Organ Transplants, Rape, Paganism

by AwSnap 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AwSnap

    A family member from my extended family is staying with me for the holidays; we had a very interesting conversation.

    ....I've never had such an in-depth conversation with somebody who has never been a witness (j-dub as he likes to call them). I kept feeling a little weird because certainly I can go on and on and on and on about it, but I rarely do. I showed him my findings on organ transplants, rape rule changing, we talked about how frusterating it is that the Jdubs will look at all the origins and history of EVERYTHING and use that as an excuse not to celebrate holidys, etc....yet they refuse and are ignorant to their own true history. They have only what has been givin to them. I showed him on the Watchtower CD how ALL the incriminating material is on that CD, yet if you type in "1975" in the subject line, for example, none of the incriminating things will pop up. So, other than coming to these apostate websites, there would be no way for a jdub to see these things.

    By the way, does anyone have a theory as to why all that incriminating evidence is indeed on the Watchtower CD? I was thinking 2 things:

    *There was so many words and articles to put on there, that is was just looked over. Perhaps whomever was working on that project wasn't even aware of the information

    *Or perhaps they made a conscious decision to put it on there just in case a t.v. show like 20/20 decides to show just how deceptive they are. Yet they were smart so it's there....but you won't find it if you simply type it into the subject line.

    Any other ideas?

  • hubert

    If you type in "organ transplants" on the W.T. cd library, the page will come up that you need. If you read it, the 1963 ban and the 1980 reversal are on the same page.


  • iknowall558

    They have only what has been given to them. I showed him on the Watchtower CD how ALL the incriminating material is on that CD, yet if you type in "1975" in the subject line, for example, none of the incriminating things will pop up.



    This is also the case if you type in JOHANNES GREBER.

    They knew about Greber's spritistic connections as early as 1956. (WT Feb 15th ) They quote him concerning his communication with the spirit world on pages 110 and 111.

    But in spite of this they quote him as an authority on biblical interpretation on at least seven occasions between 1962 and 1982.

    (WT Sept 15, 1962, pg 554), (WT Oct 15, pg 640), (WT Apr 15, 1976 pg 231), ('The Word' - Who is he? 1962 pg 5), (Make sure of all things ; Hold fast to what is fine, 1965 edition, pg 489) (Aid to Bible Understanding, 1969, 1971,pg 1134) ( Ibid pg 1669)

    In the (Oct 15th 1977 WT pg 624), they say that spiritism should not be a source for knowledge and yet it was using that very source to substaniate its theology.

    AND GET THIS....

    In the 1986 Publications INDEX, covering the years, 1930 - 1985, which they claim "embodies all previously published indexes" can see on page 372 under the heading JOHANNES GREBER, a reference to a 'Question from Readers' article of April 1st 1983, pg 31, and one reference to John 1 : 1 in the 1962 WT on page 554.



    I think they leave 'incriminating' info on cd rom because they know it's like a needle in a haystack trying to find it. They must know that it would be virtually impossible trying to locate a specific article while it lies hidden amongst a heaving mass of literature....and they provide no pointers as to its location. Im sure they feel safe in the knowledge that things are forgotten in the scale of 'time'. Articles of a certain age arent given much consideration, and this is encouraged by GB when you are told to keep up with PRESENT truth. All in all, I think they've got it covered, and I agree with what you say, that you would never become aware of these things unless you read apostate literature or went on to apostate sites.

    Whether you research to prove them wrong, or prove them right....they will view both with suspicion They have everything already laid out on the table for us. All we have to do is appreciatively eat whether we like it or not, without asking who prepared and cooked it. No questions, just eat.

  • AwSnap

    I stand corrected, Hubert. I just looked up "organ transplants" and the articles popped up. I just don't think any jw's would even think to type in that subject unless someone blatently brings it to their attention.

    Iknowall, I agree. They seem to have their bases covered.

  • dig692

    Or perhaps there is someone on the inside who is secretly trying to expose them by leaving that kind of information available to anyone who has doubts! Idk, just a thought..

    Either way, if it wasn't for some of the threads on this site I would never have had my eyes opened to the real truth. So I'm glad someone is looking out for those of us who had our eyes closed by the wtb&ts.

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