Question about baptism questions and readiness

by Aussie Oz 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    It's been a loooong time since i went through them. Now i find my son of an age where he will if not already is being subtly led to 'dedication and baptism' to the organization. (Esp in the Jan 15 2010 WT)

    When preparing for baptism:

    are they warned of the severity of disfellowshipping?

    How it would affect their relationship with a disfellowshipped parent?

    That they too could face it for seeing that parent?

    And the impact that would have then on the relationship with the parent still a JW?

    Oz is concerned

  • yknot

    Depends on who is doing the warning......

    It is covered in the ODBook starting on page 153 though....

    Further the "God's Love" book (secondary study pub) spells it out pretty clearly in the appendix but not all make it through to that book before getting dunked and an early 2009 KM said the study conductor didn't have to review the appendix with the study as it was optional (BullPucky, more like GB politics of allowing TeddieJ to have his book of laws only to try and down play the harshness contained within it's pages)

    Has any Dunkee ever been fully made aware of what baptism (since 1985 at least) means........ oh hells no!

    Here is a source for the "ODbook" too

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    are they warned of the severity of disfellowshipping?
    How it would affect their relationship with a disfellowshipped parent?

    I knew in the late 60s early 70s, that's why I stay with the great unwashed.

    As a born in, drifted, believer, I warned my kids of the consequences and reminded them that Jesus didn't get dunked til he was 30, but 16 year olds always know best.

    I suppose it depends a lot on the parents and whether, or not, they have experienced a friend suffering the consequences.

    I had some doubts at that age, but doubts were not allowed in our house. I wish someone had asked me for a list of kings. I had a grasp of mathmatics better than most. If someone had managed to get me to really want to draw them up a king list, (we had the relevent info on our bookshelves) it would have saved me from making many stupid decisions in my life. I just swept everything that didn't add up under my carpet without putting any thought into it at all. Nobody led me to confront anything. I wasn't permitted to insist that anyone confront anything. I didn't get baptised, but it was still going to be another 35 years before I permitted myself to confront anything.

    That said, to get me to try to draw up that list of kings might have been the tricky bit. You need to be a goddam psychiatrist to get a cult child thinking.



  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    chris, maybe thats what i need to get... a child shrink!

    geez, 35 years as an unwashed? why they must thought you were really dirty by the time you stopped!

    you have kids that are baptised?

    YKNOT, thankyou for that link



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