nazi, money for jw survivers

by diamondiiz 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diamondiiz

    Here is a letter with compensation for victims of nazi persecution. Does anyone have any clue as to what this was all about and if wts did distributed money as oddly as this sound in the paragraph on pg.2?? I don't see why wts wouldn't want to disclose jw info to the agency in question but deal as mediatory body between the two? If wts didn't disclose the names or addresses to the agency could they have added some extra names or number of victims to obtain great cash payout? Doesn't sound likely but it's strange the procedure they decided upon. Plus they will distribute the payout? hmm How fairly would that distribution be by this self anointed body be?

  • diamondiiz

    Another letter concerning same matter another bit of interest was that jw should also contact wts with names of deseased non-jw relatives to wts(par.4).

  • acolytes

    Maybe the Watchtower should pay some compensation to the victims from their own money .

    I mean if it wasnt for Rutherfords letters to Hitler they probobly wouldnt have been their in the first place.


  • designs

    If there is compensation paid it should go to both the Associated Bible Students and the Witnesses. And it should be unencumbered by the Society ie they should not coerce these survivors into donating a portion of their compensation.

  • acolytes

    Yes Designs

    Compensation should be an individual thing.

    I think we live in an age of victimhood. The aging of Holocaust perpertrators has blurred distinctions. I mean the perpertraters of the Holocaust were not only "The Nazis " Many Germans, Poles and Jews ect also played active roles in aiding the "Nazis"

    As Rutherford was also to some degree a perpertrator in the Holocaust by his letters to Hitler (Which were sent to protect the societys property) I think it is reprehensible for the society to coerce survivors into donating compensation.


  • designs

    Acolytes, good points.

    When I was a young man one of my professional mentors was a Japanese/American man, 3rd generation here, who was sent to Manzanar during WWII. He and his family had been very wealthy and owned Hotels and a Railroad. They got a call one day from the stock brokerage firm Dean Whitter and were told their holdings had been liquidated for pennies on the dollar. After the war he received a check from the US for $1500.00.

    He never cashed it. One day I was having lunch with him in his office and he open his drawer and pulled out the check to show me. He never became wealthy again but was very successful and he held this check as a reminder to make something of yourself, which he did.

  • acolytes

    Great point desings

    For many death in the chimneys woulld have been a clean sweet escape. Better than the after pain of survival. Particularly for those who lost loved ones.

    I live in Sweden and it is common for survivors to tell their stories in schools to educate the young. This really does have a positive effect on the youth and gives them far more mature and adult considerations about life -

    I really admire the survivors who tell their story. Seeing the pain as they tell what they would rather forget. I admire the courage and the success they make on their listners lifes.


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