Were you ever "labeled" in your congregation?

by Anator 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anator

    There were some terms kicked around in congregations and some were labeled with these terms. I noticed when some were labeled with the term 'weak' they did not fair any better when they were labeled with this. In fact, it only seemed to be an additional detriment to them. and when they finally fell away then some would say "See!, I knew he/she was weak and didn't love Jehovah!" Ah yes....can't you just feel the love there!

    What were your experiences with this in regards to labeling and how did you fair with this or did you see others being affected from labeling?

  • leavingwt

    During my last months as a JW, I grew a beard.

    One brother said, "The brothers are going to think that you're being obstinate."

    Well, about a week later I sent those 'brothers' a letter of disassociation.

    Smoke that in your obstinate pipe.

  • blondie

    *** w99 8/1 pp. 23-24 Peer Pressure—Can It Be to Your Advantage? ***Even within the Christian congregation, we can come under the influence of unwholesome peer pressure if we choose spiritually weak individuals as our close associates. (1 Corinthians 15:33; 2 Thessalonians 3:14) Such ones often are not inclined to discuss spiritual matters; they may even ridicule those who enjoy such discussions. If we choose these ones as our close associates, peer pressure may force us into a similar mold, and soon we might find our thinking and attitude reflecting theirs. We may even begin to think negatively of those who are genuine in their faith and who are trying to make spiritual advancement.—1 Timothy 4:15.

    How much wiser it is to cultivate friendships with those who strive to please Jehovah, who delight in spiritual matters!

    Added to say that I don't support this attitude and was often labeled "weak."

  • Anator

    leavingwt ==> Yes, I remember one dub growing a beard and he was being talked about behind his back from all the other luving dubs. Great come back!

    blondie ==> they love filling the dubs ego! Once the ego takes over you have all sorts of superior dubs dissing out the perceived weak ones.

  • villabolo

    I once heard from a friend of mine that some people in the congregation I attended thought I was mentally retarded. Let's see, my IQ is 135 (subgenius), my comments at the meetings did not begin with "duhhhhhh" and were at the same level if not better than the standard fare. Oh yes! I had the most awful haircut combined with frizzy hair. That must have been it.


  • dinah

    I was called a "bad association" by several people.

  • yknot

    If it is something bad...... .it has been insinuated against my good name.

    All in all I got into the habit of constantly reminding everyone I am 'evil'.......

  • undercover

    I was told on more than one occasion that I was "rebellious"...which suited me fine. Even at the height of my dubiness, I hated being pigeon-holed or being predictable. My resistance to always following the crowd caused me problems most of my life in the JWs because, as we all know, individuality is not an admirable trait amongst cult followers.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I never heard anything said behind my back, but the way others treated me told me that I was talked about. I was completely ignored except for the small nicities of saying hi if eye contact was made.

  • Finally-Free

    Sure, I was considered weak, stubborn, rebellious, stupid, and bad association. These attitudes about me only affected me as long as I allowed them to. Eventually I decided I no longer cared what they thought. It was out of my control. I just focused on what I wanted and the hell with everyone else. Life got a whole lot better after that.


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