Pieces fitting together... and crying after hearing Edward Dunlap tape

by Butterflyleia85 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Butterflyleia85

    Crying out of Joy and Sadness... wow it was like he was telling me a secret about Bethel, I never even knew!!

    I am so emotional right now!! It's rediculous!

    I went to this page many times but it didn't really open it...Until now!


    The reason I found it interesting to look Edward Dunlap up was because he was mentioned in CoC.

    I made personal notes of the whole thing!

  • JWoods

    I am glad Ed was still able to help somebody all these years later. Both Ed and Marion were great friends post the JW days in the 1980s - both gone now, of course - but not forgotten.

    James Woods

  • PSacramento

    is there a written transcript?

  • babygirl30

    I'm gonna listen to this now...thanks for posting it!

  • Butterflyleia85

    I bet there is written transcript... but I not sure where.

    I can let you see my notes...

    It's not under the conscience of the Elders. (the weak are persucuted)

    Paul said why should a person's conscience be governed by another mans conscience.

    Bible says we are not saved by works but by grace, faith...

    Paul says it's not by any works righteousness that we have done that we are saved,

    Paul says the law is not made for righteous man but for sinners and ungodly,

    It means we aren't under law if we're christ servants and we are righteous just as Christ was on earth he was a righteous man... ...the law was written in his heart and that is the way christians should be. Russell made a good arguement in his book about chirstians not being under law.

    Changes made on details... Loose-Leaf Notebook. Numbers of pages.

    Nuetuality, Blood, Hemufeliacts, etc. (answer question through the mail)He saw it wasn't scriptural.

    We are saved by faith and works have nothing to do with our salvation. After we are chirstians then if we have the law written on our hearts then we want to do God's will of course we will have works of faith as james saids but works certainly have nothing to do with pleasing God our own works.

    (Rev chapter 7, 144,000 a literal number? Everything but the number is not literal?)

    All the numbers are not literal, all figurative numbers.Great Crowd

    - They serve God day and night, in his temple. (in the interlineral it's translated in Greek form NAOS worked means Satuary not temple with coartyard) only one building, Holy and most holy, only prest can go in. (interlineral devine habitation, a sactuary, in habit by god's spirit)) Rev 7 So the great crowd shown are being in this Satuary..., they are part of this presthood or those who are... spirit begotten brothers of jesus christ.

    Lexicon explains

    , Trinch (Athority of the Greek, write a book "synanms of new testament") it's wrong to translate that word NERO says temple, there is another word in Greek, HIEIRN for temple that includes coartyards and so on.

    The society are inconsistant in translation

    . Rev 11:19 NERO temple (along with satuary in brackets) Rev. 16:17 completly leave out temple and use satuary (which is correct).

    Branch Servants School,... The brothers... The ones who were making up the program came to know I didn't feel to good about 1914 cornolegy, and applying Matt 24 to 1914 coming of Christ, so they kindly didn't assign me this subjects. ...All of us in the writting department... had assigntments to take up certain classes each week. ...He was assigned ...First part of Romans.

    Both Lee and I and all that were involved were careful not to ...contridict any part of the students.Example Romans chapter 4

    ... Having faith... Abraham was declared righteous for his faith, (father of all those having faith)... anointed one's, spiritual brothers of christ, are declared righteous (How far is he righteous, partual, as far as friendship with God) Brother Shorderwood, gave a semanor about the righteous, that it's new light... he asked me about this.

    Not a fix doctorn of Watchtower but a comment about righteousness...

    "Most of you out here say you are of the other sheep. Do you think your sins are forgiving? [no answer] Do you pray lords pray for forgiveness of sin? [Yes,yes] Do you think God and Christ can forgives your sin as same as others?"

    Because some around bethel quite high had said that "the other sheep are forgiving as to day to day sin but not their avanix sin.

    Acts- Peter had said "this is what spoken a prophite Job...

    Last Days...It wasn't easy to decuss things freely, you couldn't without sturing up the hornest nest. We tried to be careful in this matter.

    Writers at the Bethal home that include governing body were at the meeting over a hunderd brothers there and I was given the subject Writing Scriptural Articles, "If you were asigned scriptural article to write, where do you go first for your information and research? [The Watchtower] Well you would use the Watchtower and Watchtower publications for research material but now remember this is a bible article, you are asigned this article. Where would you go first of all for your information source and research?" [silents] finally someone raises their hand {Brother Swengle} says well the Bible. He was in charge of the writing department.I knew the brothers there knew it was the Bible but the attitude is to go to publications and the attitude and such that they were affraid to say the Bible for fear someone will say why didn't you say the publication of the faithful and discreet slave they interpet the Bible. But that shows the feeling that existed.

    Commitees and Disfellowshipment- there were ajustment made.

    Does it boil down to really the 16 members of Governing Body and in fact on man Fred Franz... One of Governing Body said Freddy was on our orcal for 40 years.

    But when I asked other Governing Body member about the last days, they said "oh will we just uh, what you saying is not in harmony with body of truth that been brought up over last 100 years and with the organization" Then after two or three questions I ask them "why you giving me the third degree" and they said "oh this is not the third degree we are just want to find out some things" So they were going through a list they had 10 or so questions they made up. ...

    I knew they were a trouble a foot. They went to every member of writing department and put them through same questions much the same questions, seeing if they confessed complete loyalty to what the society said or not.

    Freddy Franz and publication commitee read what's written by writing commitee. Nothing can slip by. Freddy can veto his veto is final as far as doctrines (his not so conserned with the orginization and branch work) was the final athority! He can x-out anything that's written. No body there can change anything except puncuation or something of that nature. He had man script on part James book and made 72 challenges on one chapter. Ray personally went through these verious challenges tried to have information there and uh discused this things and tried to get some footnotes in and little changes so it wouldn't destroy the meaning. And he added considerable sucess.We are making so many laws and we got to be careful! Even Strong brothers know it's ok to do certain things but because of law they are afraid to do them. And weak consciences don't know what to do. These laws are hurting the peoples consciences!

    We are telling people what to do and what not to do!

    The great crowd and other sheep... Romans 8:14 all those lead by the spirit of God these are the sons of God...

    They don't allow freedom to talk about what you believe in Bethal.The object isn't to be interpeter of the Bible but help people. We should help people to the extent that we can. The organization is not the way to serve God, in fact Nemrod tried to the first organization and as one comentater very well says on that the people who's spiritaul unity was already broken up by sin was trying to get unity by through means of organization or out word unity but this was not a sucess. God's people would be would be like wheat among the weeds there is not a distenct group, that we can say we are God's people!

    They are many more Christians then we thought they were. If a person says they are a Christian, has faith in Jesus Christ and been baptised, and there are no evendance that he been inmoral or hypericate, we can't say his not a Christian, we can't judge him. God is able to make his servants stand regardless of what we might judge him.

    Chairmans committee a letter. Wrong teachings are being spread.

    1. That Jehovah doesn't have an organization on earth today and governing body is not directed by Jehovah.

    2. Everyone baptize from Christ time CE 33 forward to the end should have heavenly hope all this should be partaking of the emblumem at memoral and not just these who claim to be of the anointed remnet.

    3. There is no proper arangement as a faithful descet slave class made up as the anointed ones and their governing body to direct the affair of Jehovah's people, at Matt. 24:45 Jesus used this exprestion only as an illistration of faithfulness in individual, rules are not needed only follow the Bible.

    4. There are not two classes today, the heavenly class and those of the earthly class also called other sheep at John 10:16.5.

    6. That we are not now living in a special period of the last days but that the last days started 19 hunderd years ago CE 33 at Acts 2:17 as Peter quoted from prophite Job.

    7. That 1914 is not an astablished date. Chirst Jesus was not interneral then but has been ruling in his Kingdom sence CE 33, that Christ presents, Peraseah, is not yet but when the sign of Son of man will appear in heaven Matt. 24:30 in the future.

    8. That Abraham, David, and other faithful mere goal will also have heavenly life basing such view on Heb. 11:16.

    Notes: ...

    Romans 2:20; 3:2

    2 Tim. 1:13

    Prov 24, 21, 22

    Deviating from the Truth 2 Tim 2:18

    Is this not apostacy?

    The number at 144,000 mentioned at Rev. 17:7; 14:1 is symbolic and shouldn't be taken literal. Those of the Great Crowd mentioned at Rev. 7:9 also serve in heaven as indicated in verse 15 where it is claim that such Crowd serves day and night in it's temple NEO or in Kingdom interlineral states in the devine habitation of him.

    The slave of the Lord does not need to fight. It won't accomplish anything to fight them. God is the judge of them. We can't judge them. The only thing that hurts the organization is the Bible. The Bible is the only thing that can really do them damage and relise some of it's members. And set them free! The freedom of speech is not what they want, they don't what you to be free. But many are free.Twice they said they may be wrong about 1914.

    They had an article about the doom of organized religion and someone said we better stop talking bout organized religion because WE are organized religion ourselves!

    Most have fearful to express them to any extent!

    Worship God in Spirit and Truth! :)

    (sorry for the bad spelling)

  • PSacramento

    Thanks Butterfly :)

  • Butterflyleia85

    making spelling corrections on this thing is a pain...

    but one important word I misspelled was sanctuary I spelled it satuary which is wrong.

  • Butterflyleia85

    Your welcome PSacramento! :)

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