How did they spread?

by stillin9 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillin9

    Considering the truth about the truth, how the heck did they manage to spread around the world and at least have a witness in most of the countries/lands???

    I hope my question makes sense.


  • mysterious437

    Using very effective control tactics such as "love bombing" and ensuring that they had exposed new recruits to counter arguments before they heard them (making it seem like they must be right). They also ensured a high degree of hours/committment so that recruits are less likely to back out.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    It is well known fact that the psychology of fear spreads quickly ( imminent Armageddon ) and gets people attention and motivates people to take action.

    The WTS. exploited bible scripture as well as the people that listened to them to buy and sell their literature .

    All under the label of god's will and purpose of course.

    Stir in a bit of manipulation, exploitation and a bit of corruption and you have the WTS. religious publishing company.

  • Snotrag

    People want to believe because death is is too hard to accept. If "God is Love" then he has left the building.

  • stillin9

    Interesting comments! I agree with all you guys but specially Homer.

    Thanks all,


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    People all around the world are impressed by colorful magazines in their native language. Plus everybody wants a pet tiger!

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