Used JW reasoning to find the 'truth' about them...

by Butterflyleia85 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Butterflyleia85

    Remember that article the Jehovah's Witnesses had on the website... Well I copied it into my Word Document as keep sake to remind me to be careful! It was called "Do not be a victim of propaganda!". I felt it was very important and so true regardless who you were. I also recall learning in my 2 year community college that you are suppost to have many sources to back up your statements if you are trying to plead your case. Really on here sence it takes alot of work and time, and this site is really just a hobby for me, or a way to help me do self-help for personal struggles conserning the Jehovah Witnesses, I honestly can't post all the sources I look at or prove all the research I done. It just to time consuming and I'm sorry if that's kinda selfish but I do what I can. I have to do this more for my family and my fiance. I want us to live at peace and happily. My fiance already thinks I spend to much time on this thing. lol

    Anyways here is the titles under the article...

    Be Selective:

    I was I made sure I realized some can be speaking out of anger and hate. Thus they can take alot of things out of context.

    Use Discernment:

    I used good judgement. My reputation has been tarnished a bet but I have checked out the other sources history or background to see where they stand.

    Put information to the test:

    I did I looked everything up from verity of sources to make sure it was true.

    Ask questions:

    Yelp I did alot of that too!

    Do not just follow the crowd:

    Yes 'power of suggestion' is strong and also feeling ones pain can be misleading. I understand that. I also understand when you are on one side, and there is peer preasure... one can influeance you to believe a certain way. That is why it is always good to know a person's intentions or who is leading their thinking making sure they are trustworthy!

    True Knowledge versus Propaganda

    These part of the article is true I feel, the Bible is the source of Truth. But I also feel strongly it can be interpeted differently... backing the person's claims. It's as a group they collectively organize and have their followers agreeing. But do the look always look at other sources or are they swaid by one way of thinking?...

    Work of Jehovah's Witnesses Propagandistic...

    If you read this part they say they are none of the above... the above part was of critics accusing them of spreading propaganda. But notice they give no sources to their clam. They just make their claim themselves.

    (Again I did not give the full article just the titles and my comments under each.) All comments are welcomed...

  • flipper

    BUTTERFLYLEIA- I like your point of having " many sources to back up your claims ". That is SO important as Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to research ANY sources outside of what the WT society publishes. So their view of the world and reality is in this skewed, square little box. No wonder they're deluded and confused.

    As Steve Hassan puts it in his books on mind control- Jehovah's Witnesses are under what's called " information control " - a tactic which ALL mind control cults use to prevent members from having important information they need to make intelligent, informed decisions. A good thing we have the internet, isn't it ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Butterflyleia85

    Thanks for your comment, Flipper! It's encouraging to know people agree. It also helps me decide if I'm in the wrong or not. I enjoy verity of opinions... I am glad I got over my fear of being mislead... we have brains and we need to use it, not listen to just one source (Jehovah Witness's or Society's Articles)

    Even if I get a 'agree' or 'disagree' comment is helpful but if you happen to have time explaining even more helpful. (to Lurkers and Posters) Thanks bunches for even reading my posts!

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