old friend trying to turn new hubby into JW

by lalaa 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • lalaa

    An old friend of mine stopped going to meetings about 6 years ago. We stopped going around the same time. She always told me how she had no interest in JW guys and had no intention of ever being married to one. Well in the last 6 years she got married and now has her husband studying with her JW father for the past year. She also goes to the occasional meeting but hasn't gone back full time. I asked her if she wants him to be a JW, she said "that's the plan". I really didn't ask any more questions since we are not close anymore but I find it amusing how she made it a point to get with a guy out of the truth and is now slowly trying to bring him into the truth. Yet she tells me that she will never hang out with people in the congregation and will still hang out with their worldly friends. I told her she can't have both and she should know that's not how it works....she just laughed.

    I was just wondering how many of you know or have known of people that have left the truth only to come back married, and try, or have succeeded in bringing their new spouse into JW land?

  • dgp

    A worldly man here. From what I can surmise, the following happens very often: a witness meets someone interesting, and sort of plays the amicable person because he or she won't take things further. Then the witness falls for the mere mortal, they get involved, and the witness finds he or she "shouldn't" be doing this. He or she needs to make a difficult decision: either to stop seeing the person (me) or to try to get the person into the society. In this latter case, sometimes they do get the mere mortal into the society, and sometimes they don't.

    Quick summary.

  • asilentone

    I do! I know one sister that was a regular pioneer, decided to leave the "truth" temporarily to find someone more compatible, she has been married 4 times. Her first three husbands(very short marriages) have never been witnesses, but she tried to convert them, it did not work out like she hoped for. After her third marriage, she went to the District Assembly to find a JW husband and she did find a husband there, now the husband is an elder. Go figure!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    people that have left the truth only to come back married, and try, or have succeeded in bringing their new spouse into JW land?

    Yes.......... Me.

    Now I am out and she is in. It would only be worse if I had gotten baptised.



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