Peace and Security - Berlin Wall Fell - 20 years and counting

by xelder 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xelder

    When East Berlin opened, we heard lots stories of desperate people seeking JW's in West Berlin. How is Germanys growth now? How many from 20 years ago are still in? Japan and Mexico were also held up as examples to shame the US lazy publishers. I once heard Lyman Swingle (GB) at a convention say that the US needed more war and distress so that the publishers would pay attention to the preaching work, like the fine publishers in other countries who don't have it as well.

    Every time the news mentions the word 'Peace', JW's go nuts with joy. If the news says 'Peace and Security' in the same paragraph, every "foxhole" JW starts attending meetings again.

    Now, obviously, I'm no scholar. But let me explain what I read in 1 Thessalonians. Paul had just escaped the Jews in Thessolonica and wrote this letter from Corinth. He sent Timothy back up north to deliver it. When Paul says. 'it is righteous on God's part to repay tribulation to those who cause tribulation to you and THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW GOD', the Christians would assume that he's talking about Jews from their city. When he talks about 'the day of the lord', I say he's talking about the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem. (JW's say it applies today to Armageddon and all (even those who don't know God) will be destroyed. I also think that the comments later in the letter on 'Peace and Security', apply exactly to the situation in Jerusalem between 66 and 70. Romans pulled back, then a brief peace and security, then they came back and destroyed the place. Who says it should be applied 2000 years later. I know Freddy did

  • WTWizard

    I think they are "forgetting" that peace and security was listed as a precursor to Armageddon. We have not yet seen peace and security being declared--and we will not, as long as we have terror "threats" and Scam Flu "pandemics". The witlesses seem to "forget" about that during a crisis, but they will flaunt it when things are going well.

    What we really need to worry about is if the One World Totalitarian Government succeeds in claiming the whole world. They can then call "peace and security"--however, I doubt that the Jehovah's Witlesses are going to be the sole survivors. If they ban religion, it will happen at the onset of the One World Totalitarian Government, not shortly into it. The witlesses will practice their religion anyways (as will other cults that believe something similar). They are going to think the Tribulation has set in, when in fact it has not. And Jehovah is not going to lift a finger to help mankind at that point--if there is to be sudden destruction, it will have to come from people that do not want to be ruled by a totalitarian regime.

    That is going to be a rude awakening to the witlesses when their God does nothing. They will have to resort to "new light" that some will be killed during the Great Tribulation. The truth is, there are going to be other cults in both Christian and Islam religions still practicing religion. And, I think it's more likely that the One World Totalitarian Government is actually going to allow (and force) a religion--Muslim. The witlesses will think they are in the Great Tribulation--they will think nothing of the sort has ever happened before.

    And they would be wrong--the early Catholic Church and Augustine attempted this at the onset of the First Dark Ages.

  • JustHuman14

    Well another FDS speculation regarding the signs of the end is gone down the drain!!!

    By the way I would like to remind the 1986 YEAR OF PEACE...It was a lot of anxiety amongst JW's at that time that this was the sign for the start of the Great Tribulation. Also can you recall the Awake magazine with a photo of various religious leaders praying for 1986 to be year of peace!!!

    It seems that FDS are really in a deep shit after all those years. They quietly drop the peace and security thing since NOTHING of what they have proclaimed came true!!!

    Also the story of the prophecy of the United Nations: According to WT the successor of the Leaque of the Nations UN, would last a short period of time. Well here is my calculation:

    Leaque of the Nations from 1920(end of the Great War)-1939(start of the World War II) Laster only 19 years

    United Nations from 1945(end of WWII)-untill we got 65 YEARS AND STILL GOING...

    So how can they claim that according to Revelation, the Beast(UN) will only last a SHORT beriod of time, comparing that the fact Leaque of the Nations that came back from the abyss as UN and within a short of period of time will destroyed?...if Leaque of the Nations had a life span of 19 years, then 65 years for UN, is a LONG TIME....

  • teel

    xelder afaik the JWs do apply "peace and security" to the 66-70 a.d. period and "day of the Lord" to Jerusalem's destruction too. It's just that in their view every prophecy has to have at least two (or more) completions. It makes you think what is the origin of this? I'll start an other thread.

    WTWizard I think your view is too pessimist. I'd like to see the end of this cancer just like you do, but not with that pricetag. I lived my childhood under a totalitarian government, and even though I didn't fully understand it then, I know enough to fear it coming to the whole world.

  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    Hasnt happend yet, its still future, probably during reign of the last world ruler just before the end time really gets under will be a really very rude wake up call for all those witnesses that followed blindly without question as they begin to all fall into same hole as their leaders. What a pity.

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