Report from a WT elders school

by RedhorseWoman 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedhorseWoman

    Found this on another ex-JW board, and thought it might be of interest.

    Culled this from a newsgroup [original
    ], thought the rest of you might like to see it!!

    Posted by TOPIC on Sat - Dec 29 - 11:02pm:

    The following report by a JW elder:

    Just returned from the Elders School. A long, draining and largely unnecessary meeting containing little different from the last School. I began recording it, but frankly it was not worth the effort. It was little different than an average CA this time.

    You obviously are aware of the ‘fifteen minute’ publisher arrangement. Most elders thought this a huge joke and the
    fact that its introduction was designed to boost morale for declining figures was openly discussed when we stopped
    at an elder’s home for drinks. When his wife was informed of the arrangement her immediate reaction was - ‘Oh! That
    is just a numbers game they are playing’.

    I am convinced that the GB are ten years behind the rest of the JW’s in their thinking. If they knew how a lot of elders reacted to their gift offerings they would be mortified. Just one or two points made, largely a repetition of the last School and posted verbatim:

    Never give out the names to the police or press of anybody in the Legal Dept.

    Never refer to the Society as an entity in any letters that involve disfellowshipping. Verbal correspondence is safer.

    The ideal is to have nothing at all to do with our disfellowshipped family members if possible. It may be hard to do but will please God.

    All scanned forms and other documents or letters pertaining to the WTS must be erased from hard disks as soon as we arrived at our homes.

    Inactive Publishers are to be viewed as still totally under Gods laws.
    I am convinced that they intend to move against those who try to ‘fade’, largely I suspect to these people
    giving away their MO on on-line Boards.

    As soon as anybody is accused or confesses to child-abuse, say absolutely nothing but contact the Legal Dept by telephone immediately.

    Never utter one word to the newspapers or police. Say to them - ‘I must speak to my Lawyers first’, and then telephone Legal Immediately. This includes any questioning over any refugees we may have in our congregations.

    Always announce reproof whenever a child molester has been dealt with. Congregations must be warned of such people.

    Never, in dealing with marital problems should the ‘can’t’ / ‘should’ ( as in you can’t / should leave your mate ) be used.

    Regarding Blood - ‘ As medical technology develops we may need to change our views yet again on what we consider acceptable or not. ( Branch Coordinator )

    We need to remind ourselves that we know that the FDS has been appointed by God over ALL his belongings, so how do your respond to its direction? Some elders have been noticed ridiculing the direction of the FDS. What they need to realize is that they are actually ridiculing Christ.

    Quotes to bring a smile to your face:

    Branch Coordinator - ‘Worldly people read the Bible, but in a perfunctory way, without real understanding. We however read it with real discernment’.

    Jehovah takes very seriously someone who withholds the truth from a person who has the right to know it.

    It is very dangerous to introduce secular research into the congregation - these writings will not help us get eternal life. The GB have at their disposal the best Biblical researchers available. They do your research for you and provide you with the cream.

    Even some in Bethel have had to be dismissed because they became spiritually weak after reading things on the Internet.

    Some women work outside of the home to elevate their standard of living. This way they develop their own sense of independence, and this can be very dangerous.

    Our enemies say that we are opposed to JW’s to having a good education. We are not. What we are opposed to is education for no purpose.

    Makes you 'crazy' don't it?

  • Richie

    It's difficult to suppress my anger when I see this wholesale manipulation on the part of the GB! Some of the points are even more ridiculous where they exploit the elders and R & F like marionettes or puppets!
    You are almost correct in saying that the GB is 10 years behind: I would say at least 30 years behind or more!
    They say that verbal correspondence is better. What a farce - of course anything verbal does not stand up in any court of law, including a JC. They are just covering their "butts" in all this.
    Then they say that the "ideal is to have nothing at all to do with our disfellowshipped family members if possible, as that would please God" The WT deliberately maneuvers things so as to make sure that the members do not get any outside information, so they stay clear of even their own flesh and blood. How insidious and unloving and how they dare to put themselves on the pedestal as superior judges!
    Regarding the blood issue: they expect another change soon - most probably because otherwise they could be sued by friends and family members of those who decided not to take blood and die as a result.
    They reiterate that the FDS (Faithful & Discreet Slave) has been appointed over all his belongings and that all should be obedient no matter what! If they don't then they ridicule Christ. How presumptuous on their part to claim the backing of Jehovah! Do we need more proof that they cannot be supported by a loving God. They can say what they want - you can say a lie a thousand times and people will believe the lie eventually, but God sees through the hearts and knows better!
    They assert that wordly people read the bible in a perfunctory or disinterested way... How do they know that? How many times do they quote bible scholars and paraphrase their interpretations as a done deal? They are also panicking when someone does secular research - what are they afraid of? That we might find out the real truth about them and the bible? Then they again come up with their assessment of what an education entails: that it serves no purpose. In my view a good and solid education always has a purpose: to get and have a real life...!

    Richie :*)

  • Zero

    Very interesting.

    “Facts are not science--as the dictionary is not literature”--Martin H. Fischer

  • kpax

    -----The ideal is to have nothing at all to do with our disfellowshipped family members if possible. It may be hard to do but will please God.-------

    Death to the GB!

  • Jourles

    I've read this report several times and I am wondering about something that I heard. I was listening in on two elder's conversation about their recent trip to this meeting. One said that all of the elders were asked to not disseminate any information until after all of the meetings were finished in the US, and that they would relay the "new changes" at the next bookstudy. He specifically mentioned three to four times about a restructuring that is going to take place. I tried not to smile(in disgust) when he said that the anointed are always ahead of the world's thinking in preparing God's people for whatever reason.

    Now my question is, if there is going to be a restructuring of some sort, how does that tie into the information above? The report above, to me, merely states new rules in effect, not a restructuring campaign. I wonder if there are specific regional changes rather than a united change that is going to take place?

  • ItsJustMe

    I'm tired of justifying working full-time.

  • Jourles

    Regarding that snippet about DF'd family members, everyone should refer their friends and family members to the JW Media website where in their FAQ section it says that DF'ing "does not sever family ties." If they move ahead with "new light" about df'd family members, I want everyone I know to read that web page before it disappears.

    Jourles, who may be in that category very soon

  • Richie

    I guess when the WT brings out that there is going to be a restructuring of sorts, it may mean that the rules become more rigid so as to protect witnesses from the onslaught of opposing views from apostates. That's why I think they will not relax the shunning practises but make them ever stricter because the WT will prevent any witnesses from finding out the real truth of what they are really about. The internet is a tremendous burden to them and they will do anything possible to restrict the usage of such, except to allow them to visit the Watchtower's website alone...

    Richie :*)

  • LDH
    Some elders have been noticed ridiculing the direction of the FDS. What they need to realize is that they are actually ridiculing Christ.

    HUH?!?!? Now the FDS = Christ?


  • julien
    HUH?!?!? Now the FDS = Christ?

    Why not, the Org itself has always been for all intents and purposes viewed as God. Equating the FDS with Christ just takes the idolatry up a notch.

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