Mohammad Ali and the Watchtower

by clash_city_rockers 9 Replies latest social physical

  • clash_city_rockers

    In 1967 When Ali got busted for being a draft dodger There was this lawyer who was a WT attorney. Who was on Ali's legel defense team and again in 1969-70 for the appeal process. Was it Milton Hinshel?
    Who was the JW attorney who defended Ali.

  • nelly136
  • cellomould

    that was good Nelly!

    I did a fruitless search of my own...

    ...guess it is naptime


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • sf

    Ha! Nelly, you are gettin' good girlfriend. Bravo for you. It's all about the keywords.

    sKally, standing and hugging nelly


  • sf


    A portion:

    The Watchtower Connection

    Fard used the literature and teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses to attack the Christianity. He also developed a theory of racism in which the white man was created by an evil black scientist/god by the name of YaKub. This is why the white man is a called "white devil." In contrast, black people are "gods" in that they sprang from the original black deities of the universe.

    Elijah Poole

    In 1931, one of his first converts was Elijah Poole, the son of a Baptist preacher. Fard changed Elijah's "Christian" name to the "Muslim" name of Kariem. But in 1934, Fard disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared. It is thought that Elijah had him murdered so he could take over the movement.

    Karriem then changed his name to Elijah Muhammad and under his guidance the Nation of Islam made noteworthy converts such as Muhammad Ali.

    Malcom Little

    One of the early converts of Elijah was a young man by the name of Malcom Little who, like Elijah himself, was the son of a Baptist preacher. Elijah changed Little's name to Malcom X and he became Elijah's chief spokesman.

    Elijah Muhammad was a superb businessman who made himself, his family, and his organization, fabulously wealthy. He continued using Jehovah's Witness doctrines such as the end of the world coming in the 1970's and 1914 as "the beginning of the end." This false prophecy proves that he was a false prophet.

    Malcom X Leaves

    Confronted with the gross immorality and greed of Elijah Muhammad, Malcom becomes disillusioned with the cult. He began to doubt many of its teachings particularly the idea that all white people were devils.

    Further down page:

    In September that year, Farrakhan turned his attention to domestic politics. With the help of ousted former NAACP leader Ben Chavis), Farrakhan convened a "National Political Convention" at the TWA Dome in St. Louis. The event was a dismal failure. The presidential candidates were invited. Only anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche came. Organisers predicted attendance of 20,000 and 30,000. But, according to Reuters, "fewer than 500 people attended."

    On October 16, 1996, the one-year anniversary of the Million Man March, Farrakhan organised a rally called the "World Day of Atonement" at the United Nations Plaza in New York. The event unfolded by script: Farrakhan again offered to meet with the Jewish community; the rhetoric of anti-Semitism was downplayed at the rally; police estimated the crowd at 38,000, but organisers said that as many as 200,000 showed, despite the fact that the rally permit was for less than 50,000.

    Following the event, Farrakhan held a press conference sponsored by his Libyan friends at the United Nations. Leading Iranian cleric Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi also had praise for Farrakhan. Speaking in Teheran he said that "[T]he hand of God has inspired [Farrakhan] to gather the Muslims in the heart of the Great Satan [The United States]. This is what the Imam [the late Ayatollah Khomeini) meant by saying that our revolution would be exported."

    While Farrakhan drew most of the press attention, the Nation of Islam as a whole was active during the year, continuing to churn out anti-Semitic publications such as The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. As in recent years, Nation of Islam-linked security forces continued to received government funding for patrolling public housing. But in November, 1995, in Baltimore, HUD ordered the termination of a such a contract. And, in New York, in September, 1996, Governor George Pataki ruled that a state- financed housing project must end its contract with a Nation of Islam-linked security group called the "X-men," after the group had been discovered distributing anti-Semitic literature.




  • sf


    20 - COVINGTON. He was the civil rights attorney who defended Cassius Clay (Mohammed Ali) in his draft board problems. The famous boxer went to jail.

    19 - T. JARACZ. At this time in 1960 he did not profess anointing. A couple years later in Newport Beach he and I were working together door to door on Balboa Island and he asked me various questions regarding the anointed and my own hope. That next spring he partook for the first time. (We used to go to Balboa Island every summer, you bastard, remember "RALPH"?)

    32 - FRED FRANZ. Brother Franz told a story when asked when he first met Pastor Russell. He said in his senatorial accent: "I met C. T. Russell for the first time in the pisswa while we were doing what is natural to all men." Funny, I was also to meet Fred Franz in the same circumstances, and as we stood facing the urinals I spoke to the wall: "Well, I guess I can now tell the story of how I first met brother Franz." He took it good-naturedly.

    Hardy har har.

    69 - A CREED FORMULATED BY A RELIGIOUS COUNCIIL. This is exactly what the GB does. Knorr would say: "It is the truth when it comes from the Ninth Floor."

    70 - RELIGIOUS COUNCIL. Is someone going to argue the Governing Body is not a "religious council"?

    71 - GOVERNING BODY. Raymond Franz has discussed the legitimacy of a "governing body" among JWs in both his books Crisis of Conscience and Christian Freedom. The term "Governing Body" is absent from the Bible. The Society has use Hebrews 13:7, 17 but this refers to older men among the general association of Christians.

    72 - MEN. I have known a few of these "men" who are without question "loyal" corporate men. All those I knew were not anointed but other sheep. At least two elders were known to have never gone door to door in 20 years.

    99 - PAYMENT. This seemed to contradict: "More than ninety years ago the very second issue of this magazine stated: "'Zion's Watch Tower' has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: 'All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,' fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication." (w70, 2/15, page 102) "Unlike the churches of Christendom, Jehovah's Witnesses do not take up collections or send out envelopes to solicit donations." (w87, 12/1, page 30) "Individual countries with building projects have at times set up loan arrangements, whereby Jehovah's Witnesses in those countries have made short-term loans, which have been repaid after the financing of the project is completed. As this magazine has clearly stated many times during its 100 years of publication, Jehovah's Witnesses never solicit contributions." (w79, 5/1, page 29) "No one has to solicit funds to carry on the work of the great Owner of the universe, we learned. Yes, we came to realize that it is repugnant to true Christians to beg, cajole and pressurize people into giving contributions. Responsible men in the congregations, we noted, were fully aware that such solicitation is not in harmony with the spirit and principles of Christianity." (w73, 5/15, page 298)

    128 - SEAT OF MOSES. Can there be any question the GB has the power of a Moses which claims to be the only "channel" by which God speaks to mankind. All other religions are false and will be destroyed. Moses delivered 600 laws to Israel. There are over 1,000 procedures and policies in the Branch publication alone. Who can count the number of rules and "principles" listed in the Watchtower and other publications over the years. They are uncountable.

    129 - DO NOT PERFORM. What is the single most important "do" for a JW? It is door-to-door preaching. There is much encouragement (and, pressure) to do this ten hours per month. Yet, neither the Pastor or the Judge went from house to house. The truth is most of the GB seldom go from door to door. Jesus commanded his apostles to "make disciples." (Matthew 28:19) Putting all the GB together who have ever served in that capacity, how many "disciples" have they personally made? How many have they "brought in the truth"?

    130 - HEAVY LOADS. Many JWs would admit these "heavy loads" and yet many of the GB do not regularly attend all the meetings. Some are seldom seen at a congregation book study. What they would demand of regular publishers, elders, and pioneers, they are not able to deliver themselves.

    131 - PROMINENT. Who could deny the extreme prominence among the GB? They do sit at the head of tables and anyone who dared sit next to them without invitation would be dressed down curtly.

    132 - LEADERS. How can one be a member of a "governing body" without being a "leader"? If one could be excommunicated for just holding a thought at variance with the GB spoken on only a couple of occasions among private confidants, how could one argue these are not "leaders" and "teachers" of the most awesome sort.

    133 - SHUT UP THE KINGDOM. Has the GB "shut up the kingdom of heaven" to over 20,000,000 persons presently or formerly associated with the WBTS by redirecting interest to a false hope of surviving the Great Tribulation in the flesh and living on earth forever? A doctrine which cannot be supported by Scripture.

    134 - ONE PROSELYTE. Millions of dollars are spent in the campaign to convert hundreds of thousands in 230 countries. On the basis of the principle at Luke 21:8 (NJB) are innocent people joining a pseudo-anointed organization preaching false prophecies?

    135 - DISREGARD WEIGHTIER MATTERS. Millions are spent to propagate JW doctrine but local elders discourage charity to widows and orphans who are unable to attend meetings. (Heartless bastards you are.)

    136 - FULL OF PLUNDER. What is the gigantic value of the WBTS in just real estate alone? Poor people around the world contribute their pesos, pesetas, rubles, marks and yen to continue feeding the JW money pit. How many widows willed their estates to the Society rather than give it to their own children? (_______________)

    137 - IMMODERATENESS. Why are there so many jokes and stories about a Bethelite’s ability to hold his liquor? Do GB members leave large liquor bills after a Branch visit? Do members of the Writing Department have substantial liquor cabinets in their high-rise Manhattan-view apartments?

    139 - THEOCRATIC. This word and the related one "theocracy" is a key JW buzz-word. It is defined by Will Durant in Story of Civilization, Vol 6 "The Reformation" as: " ... theocracy --- the rule of a society by clergymen in the name of God."

    140 - THEOCRATIC JERK. A term once used by a circuit overseer to describe some elders. (THEO (Ted) JERK(Jaracz))


    Lots of other footnotes there.


  • clash_city_rockers

    awsome reserch guys that was really nice.

    but do you see the hypocracy that the WT didn't leavy sanctions against Hadon Covington for defending another religion basically.

    what is your take

    as jim Rome says,
    have a take and don't suck,


  • ZazuWitts


    Hayden Covington was disfellowshipped in the early 1960's for alcholism.

    I do not know for certain, but perhaps it was during this time that he served on Mohammed Ali's defense team?

    I knew people who were close friends of Covington; many of them felt that the real reason he was DF'd was due to the frequent extremely heated disagreements/arguments he had with Nathan Knorr.

    I remember one old-timer commenting, "Hell, if there going to disfellowship you for booze, I reckon half of them should be gone."

    His closest friends also felt Covington found solace in alcohol because he was overextended and overworked in the extreme by the Society...something had to give. He was, indeed, the chief counsel for the organization for decades, handling the burden of the legal aspects solo...without the huge staff Watchtower Legal now has at their disposal.

    I've always tended to give the Knorr vs Covington reports considerable weight, simply because Covington was REINSTATED shortly after Knorr's death in 1977.
    And, there was a large memorial service held after his death, with hundreds in attendance.

    If, by chance, you haven't seen it yet, Randy Watter's has a most interesting interview with Covington on his Freeminds' site; this interview was conducted just a couple of days or so before Covington's death. Just click on the Freeminds' link below and type Covington into search. Quite a bit of unique history, IMO.

  • Englishman
    Hayden Covington was disfellowshipped in the early 1960's for alcholism.

    He was? I heard Covington speak on a number of occasions, certainly in the 60's. I left in 72, but I never knew that he was DF'd.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • ZazuWitts


    Your recollections sent me on a little search.

    In Penton's book "Apocalypse Delayed", p. 79, it reads, in part: the early 1960s he was forced to leave New York with a severe drinking problem. Only after being excommunicated and reinstated was he to die in good standing as a Witness in 1979.

    I also found a reference in COC, where Franz puts his disfellowshipping in the 1970s. See footnote 14 at bottom of page 85.

    Hmmmm, which is it, 60s or 70s?
    I think it would be safe to conclude that you did hear him speak in the 'early' 60s, and that his disfellowshipment did not occur until ?perhaps? the mid-60s, or so.

    I do recall being at my very last JW social gathering, a picnic, in the summer of 1964, when I learned of his disfellowshippment. It was there that I heard some of his long-time friends feeling there was more too it than the man's alcohol problem.

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