Religious experience

by dogon 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dogon

    I have a cousin who just had a leg clot and almost died. He has not had anything to do with the church and was a non-believer. After his close brush with death he said and I am not making this up he saw god and heard him talking to him. Now he has asked our other cousin an elder to help him back to the church. Here is the big problem in his life, his wife is a free spirit type that smokes pot and does not go for any of the restrictive clap trap of the JWs. My cousin, we will call him Hughie Sherman never had good critical thinking skills. He could be blown by whichever way the wind was driving that particular day. Religious experience is hard to debunk because it is completely in the mind of the one who experiences it. I believe that we can experience all kinds of things in our minds but this is a long jump to making it something real. Johns Hopkins did a study on the effects of Psychedelic mushrooms and they found that the users experienced the same religious experiences as those who say they are religious and use the drugs. It amazes me how so many people can be defrauded by dreams and brain farts. To be fair the mind can have affects that are very realistic, but critical thinking is the armor to give one the knowledge of what is really going on. Has anyone else had experiences on this?

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