Do's and Don'ts for JWs.

by Pureheart 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pureheart

    If anyone has information different from these facts about the average JW please let me know. The list is pretty long. I have quotes from the WTS publications for any disagreements on the rules listed below.

    Do’s and Don’ts for all JW’s everywhere.

    1. Do pioneer
    2. Attend all meetings and assemblies.
    3. Get out all of your assignments.
    4. Clean the Kingdom Hall.
    5. Generously make donations to your local Hall and WTS.
    6. Love one another.
    7. Marry only in the Lord.
    8. Do not associate with non-witnesses.
    9. Do not overindulge in food or alcohol.
    10. Do not look at the opposite sex in an unclean way.
    11. Love your neighbor.
    12. Husbands love your wives. Wives love your husbands.
    13. Children, be obedient to your parents.
    14. Pay your taxes.
    15. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
    16. Do not associate with apostates, even on the Internet.
    17. Do not lead a double life.
    18. Obey the Faithful and Discreet Slave.
    19. Do not pursue a higher education.
    20. Do not store up riches on earth.
    21. Honor you parents.
    22. Do not take blood.
    23. Do not be critical.
    24. Do not murmur.
    25. Do not slander.
    26. Do not gossip.
    27. Make your home look like a paradise.
    28. Do not wear very expensive clothes or have very expensive cars or homes.
    29. Keep recreation at a minimum.
    30. Put the kingdom first.
    31. Keep you homes, cars and your person clean.
    32. Give your employer 100%.
    33. Do not steal, lie, and cheat.
    34. Love Jehovah with your whole heart.
    35. Respect and obey the elders.
    36. Elders shepherd the flock the way Jesus would.
    37. Do not be egotistical.
    38. Do not curse any human.
    39. Do not fight.
    40. Do not be angry for over a day.
    41. Be forgiving.
    42. Do not associate with members of the congregation that are not spiritual.
    43. Best not to have children in this system.
    44. Best not to marry in this system.
    45. Best to marry someone from same culture.
    46. Marry only a spiritual person.
    47. Shun all that are disfellowshipped or disassociated.
    48. Limit association with relatives that are not Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    49. Best not to attend funeral in a Church.
    50. Best not to attend a funeral of a disfellowsipped person.
    51. Be satisfied with sustenance and covering.
    52. Hate what is bad.
    53. Do not listen to rap music, hard rock, or sexually suggested music.
    54. Do not watch R, X rated, pornography, or violent movies.
    55. Do not play questionable video games.
    56. Dress and act modestly.
    57. Do not fornicate with anyone, including children.
    58. Keep automobile in a clean and safe condition.
    59. Do not call down evil on your brother.

    The list goes on and on, but I will stop here.
    My question to you all is; how many Jehovah’s Witnesses follow All of these commands, even half.
    And so when some of you talk about the average JW, and I mean All of them in the organization, from the so-called bottom to the top, you are describing ones that are not following at least half of the rules set forth above. I am not intimidated by one of them now. Thanks to the vast information I have received here.
    When judgment day comes we all will have to answer for ourselves. My word of advice is not to blame Jehovah for the sins of imperfect man and the way that they have misrepresented His Word.


  • Gopher


    Wow! That post must have taken a while to put together! And YES, there are more do's and don'ts then you listed here. What do you expect from the Pharisees?

    In contrast, Jesus indicated there were just 2 laws involving love (thanks jst2laws and joy2bfree!!).

    It's been fun watching the tone of your discourse evolve over the past 3 months since you joined this (evil, haha) board!! It feels so good to be free of an organization where you NEVER could please them.

    And you are right, the majority of the JW membership is interested in "keeping up appearances". They are forced to by the social pressures and the threats of "being caught" and dealt with! It's not about righteousness, but enforced adherence to social / societal norms.

    Their motto could well be, "Keep seeking first the appearance of serving the kingdom, keep looking like you are righteous, and then the approval of the brotherhood will be added to you."

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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