Jehovah will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth"

by teel 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • teel

    Revelations 11:18. This was a stumbling block for me (shame on me eh). When we were studying the Revelations book, the elder took his time to elaborate on how wicked this world is, and went on and on about the ecological disasters our world is facing, and how those wicked people only care about the money while they destroy the Earth.

    Now, although I live in a middle-road developing country (Romania), the people here by no means are ecological friendly. Those wicked people who are destroying the Earth, are not some special class of people isolated in their ivory tower with elaborate plans to harm any living, but it is us. JWs distantiate themselves from any responsability in this case too, but it's the cold hard truth that we, the people in (mostly) developed countries are all doing our share in destroying the Earth (except very few individuals).

    Far be it from me to be proud of this, but to actually take a step in any issue is to recognize that you are part of the problem. will calculate how much Earths would we need, if everyone was living like you live. My result was 1.25 Earths, and I doubt there are many witnesses living in developed countries whose results are below 1.

    Yes 'brothers', we all are part of the ones who are destroying the Earth. Here's a tip: next Saturday instead of field service go and plant a tree. Then "perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the LORD's anger" (Zephaniah 2:3).

  • designs

    'Go and plant a tree', I like it, plant a bunch and fruit trees and vege gardens to, hmmm.

  • donuthole

    The JW interpretation of Revelation 11:18 of ecological ruin doesn't square up. (Was the idea of a carbon footprint even known to the early Church?) This section of Rev parallels the account of the flood from Genesis where Almighty God says that he will bring the flood as result of the earth being ruined with violence.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The majority of JWs that I know are fairly apathetic when it comes to the environment. They're conscientious about littering, and cleaning up after themselves, but that's the extent of it. In fact they look down on environmentalists, and others, who go out of their way to make things better. They view such human efforts as being in vain. Their answer, as with everything else, is that the new system will take care of it.

    So, while they condemn the rest of mankind for not caring, they give themselves a pass because they are "waiting on Jehovah".

  • WTWizard

    Ruining the earth?

    1--Wasting all that paper, which kills lots of trees plus gets shipped across the country (sometimes twice) to make the littera-trash and bring it to distribution points.

    2--Kingdumb Hells are notoriously inefficient. Their climate control systems suck--many lack windows, forcing them to put on the air conditioner on a mild day, or turn on the heat on mild winter days instead of letting the sun heat it. The climate controls themselves are poorly functioning, and the air conditioners and heaters often break down or run poorly.

    3--When is the last time you saw a recycling bin at a Kingdumb Hell? I never have--I have seen cardboard from the littera-trash end up right in the regular garbage.

    4--Witlesses are notorious for generating lots of garbage. Crap products they buy, excessive suit dry cleanings, and eating fast "food" all the time all generate too much pollution and garbage. Almost none of it goes in the recycling bins.

    5--All that gas they waste driving to and from boasting sessions and while out in field circus. I have seen one idiot that would consistently show up at the site for field circus about 15 minutes early, run the van until it was time, and then go into the house (even though I was already in for a good 10 minutes before). Also, they drive across town for nothing. The energy the witlesses waste while in field circus is appalling--with all the gas they waste, we are going to have to reinstate the 55 MPH speed limit to offset it.

    6--Each time a householder opens a door or window to talk to the witlesses, energy is wasted. In summer, cooled air is let out of the house. In colder weather, heated air is let out. If it is windy, it adds to the problem. If the householder has allergies and needs to run an air conditioner or air purifier, and the witlesses force them to open a door or window, it makes extra work for that processor (and wastes more energy).

    And, for all that pollution and waste of resources, what value do the witlesses produce for society? None.

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