Mitochondrial DNA

by xelder 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xelder

    Recent Research involving Mitochondrial DNA traces human genetics through the mother. Human migration can be traced and time periods estimated. A human family tree is developed. Genetic Eve is thought to have been in Africa about 40,000 years ago.

    This runs against a literal reading of the Genesis creation account. But I think it can still be merged. Nils Jensma has some great stuff on this.

    Maybe God created things by using evolution as well as points of miraculous creation. I think man got to a point where God gave him spirituality and then, therefore, moral responsibility.

    Any comments? Thanks

  • nicolaou

    Any comments?

  • leavingwt

    Many Christians have accepted Evolution as as scientific fact. Most of this group would, however, reject the idea that modern man is only 40,000 years old.

    Here's a video of O'Reilly and Richard Dawkins discussing Dawkins' new book. Dawkins mentions how Christianity and Evolution need not be mutually exclusive. (Dawkins is not a believing Christian, of course. I suppose he's simply acknowledging that Evolution and Abiogenesis are two different things.)

  • God_Delusion

    Let me get this right, you're trying to tie science in with the bible? It's chalk and cheese.

    The old testament talks nonsense. Then we have the new testament, which, let's face it, you need a small amount of cannabis just to get to Revelation. Then you need to turn to harder stuff in order to get through that book, or you can try and find whatever John was on when he apparently wrote it.

    Either way, if you, or anyone has ever read the bible, truly read it from cover to cover, no sane person could state that it was from a superior source, but rather, from a few male showvenistic sheephearders.


  • Farkel

    :no sane person could state that it was from a superior source, but rather, from a few male showvenistic sheephearders.

    Many scholars (even Jewish ones) think the Old Testament was written by ancient Jewish Priests in order to re-write actual history to their (the Israelites) benefit. In other words, many historians think a bunch of old Jews made up a bunch of old shit in order to give their people much more historical and religious significance than they earned.

    Or in the shortest of possible words: the Old Testament is a bunch of made-up shit.

    Farkel, Doo Doo CLASS

  • chickpea

    science will eventually erode
    the foundations of religion....

    as for our ancestral "eve',
    i am loving the fact that white
    supremacists have african origins...

  • kurtbethel

    Mitochondrial Eve is believed to ave lived between 150,000 to 250,000 years ago.

    One of the best books I have read about this is The Seven Daughters of Eve.

  • MissingLink

    I think a lot of people are being confused by the meaning of Mitochondrial Eve. This was NOT the first human woman. She wasn't some big jump in complexity or anything like that. She was only our most recent common ancestor. If there had been a huge natural disaster or disease that wiped out massive populations 10,000 years ago, or if things had been safer for the last million years, then those could be the date(s) of our most recent common ancestor. The point is, whoever/whenever it was is not important. The important thing is that we do have common ancestors. The same thing applies if you want to include chimps in the list. There will be a common mitochndrial ancestor for that group. Any combination works: you can include dogs, chickens, aligators and also find a common ancestor with humans.

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