Obama care: Will it cover the JW's at Bethel?

by dissed 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    This is not a political thread.

    My question has to do with the possible USA government mandate of employers covering its workers with healthcare

    If it becomes law, then all Bethel workers MUST have health insurance.

    So who pays for it?

    Can the Bethelites claim poverty and the US covers them or would the US claim that the WTS is the employer and they must pay for the insurance?

    If I understand it correctly, large employers will have to provide or pay large fines.

    So, assuming they are currently not paying much of anything, this program could put a finacial strain on the already cash strapped WTS, no?

    Help me with my math. Are there 7,000 Bethelites? Average health policy could run $300 monthly?

    7,000 x $300 = 2.1 million x 12 months = 25.2 million yearly

    Certainly not the straw to break the camels back, like in Spain, but a hit nonetheless.

    Any thoughts? I wait for your reply and possible corrections.

    PS. Some JW health insurance agent must be salivating over this possible account

  • leavingwt

    Bethel is self-insured.

    When I was there, my Bethel ID card served as a medical insurance card, that I could present at an ER or clinic, should I need to.

  • moshe

    The WT is counting on a young workforce not getting sick very much. Being self insured works in their favor with those demographics and they aren't worried about obstetrics care for pregnant sisters. Now, if they have to start paying large healthcare premiums on a young and healthy workforce, it will hit them in the pocketbook!

  • dissed

    Like I said, not an expert on the US Hwalthcare plan, but it doesn't sound like it would allow for self-insured from a company.

    What if the company can't afford to pay its bills? Or becomes insolvent?

    Who pays the bills, but the govt., that could be the govt. reason in forcing the company to pay.

    Self-insured, we promise to pay doesn't hold much clout with this govt. with all the company failures. jmo

  • leavingwt

    If they can get away with not paying FICA taxes on each volunteer, this health care stuff should be no big hurdle. IMHO.

  • blondie

    Who would pay for similar non-profit religious groups, that would answer about the WTS.

  • goldensky

    "The straw to break the camel's back, like in Spain"?

    In 48 years living in Spain I've never heard that expression once. What we say is: "Esta es la gota que ha hecho rebosar el vaso"= "This is the drop that has made the glass overflow".

    But yours is cool too: "La paja que le ha roto el lomo al camello". I'll start using it and see if I set the fashion.

    That's my correction.

    What was the main subject...?

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