Questions young people actualy ask...

by highdose 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    in my youth i never once found that this long running seris of articles by the borg ever addressed what i really wanted to know, nor did they really offer any answers to the questions they posed themselves in the articles. It was normaly " should i do this thing that is fun and normal?" answer "no, you should go on the ministry more and tell the elders about your youthfull desires so that they can punish you ( lovingly(!)"

    It was easy to conclude that by having different questions than the ones posed i was actualy a bad person. Just in case there are any "young ones" lurking i'd like to point out that this is not the case at all. Here are some of the questions you should be asking and that will never appear in that crazy magazine...

    Questions young people ask:

    "How much longer is this mind numbing meeting going to go on for?"

    "How can i get out of going to the meetings?"

    "How can i get out of the ministry and really go down the pub instead?"

    "Is crusty musty old guy really qualifed to tell me how to live my life ( considering that hes wasted his in a cult)?"

    "Whats actualy wrong with getting drunk?"

    "I suspect theres nothing wrong with wearing the latest fashion, their just trying to control me, am i right?"

    "Why are my so called JW "freinds" so horrible to me?"

    "Why do i have to attain certain JW spirtual points before the opposite sex will take me seriously?"

    "Why can't i be freinds with those nice kids from school? yes their worldly but their alot nicer than my peers in the congo!"

    "If parties are meant to be evil hotbeds of vice, then why are there so many of them, and why do my freinds say they are fun?"

    "Which is better? a lazy sunday morning or a mind controling talk?"

    "Why does this religon make me feel so bad about myself?"

    feel free to add your own...

  • brinjen

    "Why do those crusty old men in the Kingdom Hall always make me feel worthless no matter how hard I try?"

    "Why do I have to study in school, but I'm told I shouldn't go to college?"

    "Why am I told to pioneer and clean windows for a living when I'd rather have a career I actually like and will get paid for?"

    "Why do the photos in the YPA articles always show kids supposedly my age wearing clothes my parents wear?"

  • exjwbennymcd1978

    dear young people ask :

    why do i feel excited when the song is coming up so i can go to the toilet ?

    what is this dark cloud of doom that lays above me im too young it and not sure how to label it ?

    why is it when im at primary school i only see living dead people ?

    why when i insisited i wanted to be a zoologist i was encouraged instead to focus on getting a licence to drive bulldozers for the "great job of body disposal" needed after armagedon ?

    why am i encouraged to feel good that people that dont accept the magazines at the door are going to die ?

    why does the clothing and depiction of a worldy person in your magazines make me feel embarrased ?

  • WTWizard

    "How do they get away with calling this Kingdumb s*** "music"?

  • palmtree67


    This reminds me of a BS (bookstudy) conductor we had. He would drone on for 15-20 mins after each BS, talking about parts coming up on the meeting, an article in the new Kingdom Ministry.....whatever....he had a captive audience and relished it.

    When my daughter was about 3, she had had enough of it I guess (Really, we all had....) and she threw herself back in her chair and loudly said, "WHEN is he gonna stop talking??????"

    Those are the questions real young people ask!!!

    I remember that I DIDN'T shush her.....

  • bluecanary

    Great post. And great anecdote palmtree.

  • carla

    What my young ones actually asked, "you mean if we would ever become jw's (no chance in hell) and became baptized and then did something wrong df'd, marked, whatever.... dad would never talk to us again? Why would we ever become one then?"

  • kurtbethel

    "Why does that bad elder man touch me and when I told mommy about it she told the elders and they said to be quiet and not tell anyone about it?"

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