Logging In

by piztjw 1 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • piztjw

    Five steps to log in?

    Why can we not get a login screen that we just enter our user name and password, like most other sites do?

    1.     Enter user name

    2.     Enter password

    3.     Click Not on a public computer

    4.     Enter capcha code

    5.     Click login

     Repeat as many times as needed to FINALLY get logged in.

     Seems to be a bit of un-needed overkill on the login. 

     Am I the only one in the entire old JWN community that feels this waste of time is okay? 

  • Simon

    That's worst case. You may only need to check the 'I am not a robot' box and be able to skip the captcha (unless you have made several attempts).

    It is there to protect your account from people guessing passwords - yes, some other sites may not protect your account to the same degree.

    Checking the 'remember me' box is fairly standard and not arduous. If you check it then you don't have to login again. If you don't then it's not something extra to do. 

    I'm working to add social sign-in so you'll be able to sign in with your Google, Twitter, Facebook account as you desire which should make the whole process quicker and easier.

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