WTS & International DCs/Tours?

by AMNESIAN 8 Replies latest jw friends


    A question I’ve had and not seen commented on anywhere I’ve visited online is:

    As you know, every so many years the Society arranges international conventions in designated metropolises worldwide and sponsors tours to those convention cities for selected JW delegates to attend from around the world.

    Does anyone know that there is a motive or incentive on the Society’s part for such conventions and tours other than the bit of buzz and extraordinariness it adds to DCs everywhere that year and the fact that such seem to promote more of a sense of brotherhood among JWs---seeming to yield more “experiences” and such---?

    I ask because my husband’s and my experience on such a tour to international conventions in Britain and Greece in 1998 was appalling in terms of how deplorably unprofessional the JW tour groups were treated by the personnel of the travel services company the Society had contracted. We’ve taken, on our own, other trips via tour packages arranged by various travel services and had absolutely no complaints---dream vacations they were.

    These tour packages the Society sponsors are certainly not cheap but I also did not think they were so expensive as to suppose that the Society makes any profit from them.

    Are they merely goodwill gestures on the part of the Society or something else? Anybody know for a fact or have just an idea?


  • JT

    i don't know if this is what you are looking for but i asked a bro at bethel one time somthing similar- Sam Buck-

    he told me basicallly that the GB use it to travel to visit their old friends in different countries0 usually only if a bro serves as a Zone Overseer does he get to go anyway and that's basically all the GB and a few key men- David Sinclair, Don Adams( but now he is President) so i guess it doesn,t matter too much for him

    but a far as making money on them I really don't think so especially when you consider how they are done- but the Super Heavies at Bethel love them since they get to go for free, even though some bethelites get to have folks pay thier way like JR Brown is always getting Larry Graham to hook him and his wife up

    just my 2


  • larc


    I can't comment on the quality of your international tours. I was born of an average Machinist in Akron, Ohio, so I did not take an international trip in my entire life, so I guess I can not share the pain and suffering that you have experienced, both as an international traveler and as a poor, poor opressed women. Poor baby, I feel so sorry for you, boo hoo.


    JT wrote:

    he told me basicallly that the GB use it to travel to visit their old friends in different countries0 usually only if a bro serves as a Zone Overseer does he get to go anyway and that's basically all the GB and a few key men- David Sinclair, Don Adams( but now he is President) so i guess it doesn,t matter too much for him

    but a far as making money on them I really don't think so especially when you consider how they are done- but the Super Heavies at Bethel love them since they get to go for free,

    I would imagine the justification for having the brotherhood foot the bill for such travel by these men is claiming it such a tremendous spiritual blessing they provide the friends in attendance at the DCs at which they speak.

    Years ago this was considered a real treat---to know one of the honchos from New York was on your DC program---all of us were so sure he'd have some "new" light from Jehovah. I don't think the prospect enjoys the same degree of anticipation today, however. When Jaracz spoke here at last summer's DC the reception for his discourses was, to put it charitably, tepid.

    Even though the Society may not be making money on these tours, it does sound like perhaps the purpose of internat'l DCs may be for other than their bountiful "spiritual" value. Thanks for the insight.


    I was born of an average Machinist in Akron, Ohio, so I did not take an international trip in my entire life...
    Sorry if I'm misunderstanding, but does this mean to say that you could not/cannot afford to travel because your parent was "an average machinist in Akron, OH?"


    I guess I can not share the pain and suffering that you have experienced, both as an international traveler and as a poor, poor opressed women.
    LOL! Oppressed yes, but hardly poor.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Larc, et al,

    Has anyone noticed that, with regard to these tours, more is required to sign on that merely having enough money to pay one's way? You've gotta pass muster with the local elders before being allowed to join in any ot their international junkets.

    Another example of how the control freaks in Brooklyn seek to orchestreate the very atmosphere of these overseas conventions, likely to portray as idealized a picture of American dubdom to the poor yokels in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia, whereever, as they do with their revisionist history lessons.

  • JT

    Room touches on a good point--

    iknow of bros who had the money to go on the trip-- the elders didn't and the bro had to be APPROVED by the elders

    he got the shaft - was told his hours were not high enough since he would be representing the local congo-

    as i have mentioned before HE SUBMITTED TO THE SYSTEM

    this bro had money and he had to submit himself to some poor elders

    YES THE SYSTEM WORKS his wife was so hurt cause she was telling folks in the hall about how she was looking forward to the trip - little did she know that they would get TURNED DOWN



  • JT

    Sister A: says:

    When Jaracz spoke here at last summer's DC the reception for his discourses was, to put it charitably, tepid.

    deeeeeeeeeep- i guess they don't have the drawing power and crowd pleasing qualities they use to have- years ago when a GB showed up it was like Jesus Christ had showed up- smile


    She continues with this point:

    "Even though the Society may not be making money"

    I will say this though- while the society may not be making money the friends of certain bro who select the travel agency do

    I personally know a sister in cleveland who told my wife and i that she had called to bethel a few years back trying to find out how she could get on the list of vendors for Travel agency services
    and the bro almost but SPIT IN HER FACE --

    as you know the male mindset of the org is one of: "There ain't no way in He!! a sister is going to be "Organizing Nothing" where a bro will have to be told what to do"

    So she got off the phone pissed at how he just "Dis" her

  • larc


    My remark was uncalled for and unfair. I was mad at something else, a guy named Hyde, and took it out on you, sorry.



    Has anyone noticed that, with regard to these tours, more is required to sign on that merely having enough money to pay one's way? You've gotta pass muster with the local elders before being allowed to join in any ot their international junkets.

    This is apparently quite true. I never knew what the deal was, but I was certainly aware that our “application” had to be approved. I think you hit on it precisely with your following observation:

    Another example of how the control freaks in Brooklyn seek to orchestreate the very atmosphere of these overseas conventions, likely to portray as idealized a picture of American dubdom to the poor yokels in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia, whereever, as they do with their revisionist history lessons.
    This makes a lot of sense to me now. At the time I was completely bewildered. As just one example, the American tour groups were absolutely forbidden to wear casual clothes of any sort on any tours. So there we were in Athens knocking about the utterly filthy, dusty, rocky, broken down ruins of the Acropolis dressed for the Memorial. Not to mention, it was August and hot as a …anyway…

    The curious thing I kept noticing, though, was that none of the friends in the European tour groups had this ridiculous restriction placed on them. They simply wore their lapel badges over t-shirts and jeans, tennis shoes on their feet (like people with good sense!). Of course I grumbled and complained enough so that many in our bus group started to agree that the whole thing was absolutely ridiculous. The most rebellious any of us dared become, though, was that many of the brothers left off wearing their neckties and we sisters kicked the heels and hosiery to the curb in exchange for “sensible” shoes .

    Now you cause me to think that we probably were serving the WTS as ignorant little JW propagandists on display for our lesser-privileged brethren. What nincompoops we were---and at our own expense!


    I know of bros who had the money to go on the trip-- the elders didn't and the bro had to be APPROVED by the elders
    he got the shaft - was told his hours were not high enough since he would be representing the local congo-
    What a load. As if anyone other than they would know what his hours were. Obviously any unscrupulous means are justified by their end.

    Our “application” was submitted right at the time I’d decided I was not doing any more door-knocking. In fact, my husband was hoping, as was I, that the trip might “rekindle” my enthusiasm for the faith and “sacred service.” That’s another long story. Anyway, my field service hours had still become quite low---I was just going through the motions. As the approval process for our application occurred and completed just before we incurred the incendiary wrath of the local BoE, the CO, the DO and Brooklyn, we slipped in at the buzzer. What a joke. The irony is, once we returned from the trip, I was more convinced than ever that I had to make my break.

    YES THE SYSTEM WORKS his wife was so hurt cause she was telling folks in the hall about how she was looking forward to the trip - little did she know that they would get TURNED DOWN
    I feel bad for the sister, especially if she’s still a true-believer. There were those we knew, too, who did not get selected who really wanted to go. I had no business going as I was dreadfully disillusioned with the WTS by then and a tour of heaven itself was not about to help me. Truth be told, I envy those who weren’t selected. I’d love to have back in my pocket the Benjamins we blew on that tour.



    I will say this though- while the society may not be making money the friends of certain bro who select the travel agency do
    Aha! This gets to where my initial inquiry was headed. Are you able to elaborate a little more on what you mean by “friends of certain brothers who select the travel agency?” How would this work, if you happen to have any idea?
    I personally know a sister in cleveland who told my wife and i that she had called to bethel a few years back trying to find out how she could get on the list of vendors for Travel agency services and the bro almost but SPIT IN HER FACE –

    as you know the male mindset of the org is one of: "There ain't no way in He!! a sister is going to be "Organizing Nothing" where a bro will have to be told what to do"
    LOL! I’m shocked, shocked I tell you. [8>]



    My remark was uncalled for and unfair. I was mad at something else, a guy named Hyde, and took it out on you, sorry.
    And you, my dear brother, are a real man in the truest sense of the word.


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