Gardening in Houston

by jeanniebeanz 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    Does anyone else garden along the Gulf Coast? I used to be able to grow just about anything in Northern Cali, but since moving to Houston, I have a devil of a time with my garden and flower beds. They seem to be plagued with everything from insects to fungus and the amount of chemical solutions that the garden centers here recommend would poison the entire planet to the nth generation. *gag me*

    If you have any recommendations for varieties of plants and flowers not susceptible to these pernicious maladies, your input would be most appreciated. I would especially appreciate a recommendation for a good tomato variety!



  • blondie
  • jeanniebeanz

    Thanks, Blodie. I appreciate the info.

    If anyone else struggles to grow things here in Houston and has some first hand tips, I'd appreciate those immensely!


  • Jazzbo

    Houston can be challenging for gardeners that move to the area but the truth is that if you work with it you can grow something pretty much all year round. You just have to select the right plants for the area. The other truth is that quite often the soil in the area is not very good.

    If I were to make one recommendation for successful gardening (vegetable gardening) it would be to used raised beds. Makes all the difference in the world.

    A very good source for information specific to Houston is an organization called Urban Harvest which not only has excellent advise on their web site but also offers all kinds of classes at quite reasonable rates. The guy that used to be in charge of Urban Harvest, Bob Randall, has written an extremely good book called Year Round Fruit, Vebetables and Flowers for Metro Houston which has everything you need to know.

    You have to remember that going from the north side of town to the south side of town can take you from 8A to at least 9 on the temperature scale, Interstate 10 is kind of a dividing line for both temperatue and soil.

    Houston is very good for fall/winter gardens so you have an opportunity right now to get started with that. Brocoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc. all grow very well in Houston during the cooler months. It's a little late to start fall tomatoes but you might give them a try. Later in the year would be a good time to plant citrus trees which do very well in Houston.

    A couple of useful places for supplies, in addition to Buchanan's, are Southwest Fertilizer and Wabash Feed and Antiquities.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Thank you, Jazzbo. And, Welcome to the board!! :)

    It's definitely been a challenge for me. You would have laughed your socks off if you saw my face the first time I saw a tomato horn worm. Something like... We didn't have those in northern Cali. My son picked out a satsuma orange tree a year ago. It tried to make oranges the first year but it was only a foot tall so I picked the oranges off and gave it another year to grow. This year, it set 27 oranges! I picked off all but 12 thinking more would die... they all made it and seem to be doing well, but my gosh! So, you're right about the oranges! :)

    I've been going over the links that Blondie gave me, but didn't give much thought to the Urban Harvest one. I'll go back over it and also see if I can find the book. The first book I bought, Houston Gardens by Home and Gardens doesn't seem to offer helpful info, at least not for the Colonies area. Not sure why, but I keep trying.

    Thanks again!


  • Farkel

    The only thing that grows in Houston is garbage! The only thing worse than leaving California for Houston is leaving Hawaii for Detroit.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Farklies... you are such a loveable dork... lol


  • Farkel

    Hey! I've BEEN to Houston several times and spent a month there on business once. I was consulting for Enron. (Now you know the real reason they went bankrupt!) Galveston is a toilet that needs to be flushed. Just about the only thing I found I could like about Houston were the freeway loops. They are great! I like the trees there, too. Lots and lots of trees and some of them are even still alive.


  • jeanniebeanz

    The freeway loops are awesome! I also love the u-turn lanes. Cali has more of a left hand turn lane where you have to wait forever to make a u-turn. It's funny though, it took me four months to get up the courage to get onto beltway 8; it terrified me. These people drive it like it's Nascar! OMFG!

    When in doubt, lay your fist on the horn and floor it!!! That is, if you have the courtest to use the dang thing. And if you are in a car like mine, people expect you to be able to drive it like Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious (mustang). If the other guy is driving a crew-cab F-350+ or a long-bed dually, I don't care what you're driving... get the hell out of his/her way or you're gonna meet Jesus sooner than you expected!


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