A Very Bendrr Christmas! (Pics are up now)

by Bendrr 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    As Christmas Day of 2001 draws to a close, let me share my holiday with you all.
    I spent the morning after a Waffle House breakfast cleaning house.
    Late afternoon, my best friends-adopted "worldly" family arrived. They had me open their gifts first. Autumn and Summer picked out two shirts for me, those little girls have good taste let me tell you. The parents gave me this electric massage gizmo. If I get a girlfriend, it may be useful-ok you guys I get the damn hint!. And they gave me a mini-bottle of cognac for my collection. It took a place of honor, since it actually came from my adopted sister's father.
    Then I got to play Santa. That was what I was wanting. I loaded up the digital camera with pictures. Uploaded them tonight to my yahoo page. If you want to see, please visit and the pics are in my yahoo briefcase under "my christmas"
    - http://profiles.yahoo.com/skydmyke
    Night y'all,

    I may not like what you have to say, but many men gave their lives for your right to say it.

  • GatoCat

    I don't know what the deal is, Mike, but I can't find them. Just the Cemetary stuff.

    To make your link clickable, put something like a dash in front of it.

    - http://profiles.yahoo.com/skydmyke


  • Bendrr

    Ok, sorry. When you create folders and add pictures to your yahoo briefcase, it makes the new folders 'private' by default.

    I may not like what you have to say, but many men gave their lives for your right to say it.

  • ISP

    Cool! Thanks for those pics!


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