My conversation with my estranged cousin

by ColdRedRain 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Re: Moving in with me:

    U still keeps the house dirty nasty see thats what i mean peolpe who hav the looks who r good looking r not to right. Me move in with u HELL NO u dont care about NO 1 u will treat me to BADLY.Michelle is D wife is she if it is I want to talk to him not her thats why i would like to get his cell number dont want to talk on the land line whats his numbers an who is the fat girl

    My response:

    Ok, here's the true story from the horse's mouth, and not a group of people looking to excuse their lack of respect, care and acknowledgement of a family member by insulting me behind my back.

    I *don't* keep the house dirty nor do I treat people badly. In fact, I would rather have a clean house.

    1. My mom constantly throws away my belongings without discrimination. Included were my rare rock posters, my CDs and my PS2. When I talk to my mom about it, she threatens to kick me out of the house. I've almost lost my CD player and my Game Boy because of her. Granted, I shouldn't leave things around the house, but at the same time, she should have the common courtesey of letting me pick up my belongings myself instead of throwing them away. Also, if she hates my CDs so much, she should give me the option of putting them in a self storage box outside of the house instead of throwing them away. Those CDs and the other things she objects to aren't hers, they're mine. We share a living space, hence she needs to respect my boundaries. She may own the house, but I own my belongings. They do not belong to her and she has no right to throw them away. She thinks demons will pop out of those CDs and affect her.CDs are just plastic, aluminum foil and paint. I'm sorry to say, but the only people I know who would think that are either very naive or schizophrenic.

    2. The house is messy because I constantly have to fish in the garbage for my belongings and my mom bitches at me every time I have to fish my belongings from the trash. She quit cleaning up after I fished for my belongings in the trash and now I have to clean a large house, all by myself without her help because she's throwing a little temper tantrum. Sure, a few things are kept out of order, but it wouldn't be dirty in the first place if she would respect my boundaries. She has many issues respecting my boundaries. Also, I asked my mom to help me clean up the house many times and she refused. She ditched me to go visit my brother in Florida instead of helping me clean the house.

    3. My mom constantly intrudes on my boundaries and is very rude to me. What she calls "me treating her badly" is actually me telling her "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR DISRESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE MY MOTHER, YOU SHOULD SHOW ME SOME RESPECT, GIVE ME SOME PRIVACY AND QUIT LISTENING INTO MY PHONE CALLS!" I've been gentle to her in the past but she seems to think just because I came out of her body, I have to let her get away with her total lack of respect. Sorry sister, it doesn't work like that.

    Now that I think about it, having you move in with me would be a nightmare. Independence and respect seem alien to you and you seem to be somebody who is prone to listening to rumors and prejudging people. In my house, I would like to have no rumor mongering, respect for ones belongings and people being open to each other. None of those would seem like qualities you possess. If you do decide to change your mind, you will have to acknowledge that I have different beliefs than yours you have different beliefs than I do and to acknowledge and respect those differences. If it sounds weird to you, I don't know if you would be a good fit in my house or even in this country, since almost everybody in this country, from Alaska, Hawaii and Guam to Maine and Florida have the same ideas on boundaries as I do.

    Oh, as for the "fat girl", she's my girlfriend. Unlike you or my mom, she has respect for other people as well as their boundaries.

    Don't talk about other people's weight. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I've seen your pictures. You're so fat that I could stand 20 miles away blindfolded and shoot an airsoft pellet at you and I'd get a hit. Oh, and guess what? My cousin's a dub.

    Because I'm on social security benefits, I can't really afford another place without giving up on eating. Thank god I'm back in school. I hope I don't fail this course.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    You seriously need to be on your own. My mom is very controlling and I will never live with her again.

  • ColdRedRain

    Yeah. But at the same time, I don't have the cash to be out on my own and also, my mom holds most of my inheritance so if I bolt, she'll hold it hostage.

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