what was the new resolution?

by highdose 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • highdose

    i just heard from a JW that at the latest assembly there all agreed to a new resolution that was read out.

    can anyone enlighten me?

  • blondie

    I'm surprised that this jw did not have any details about the resolution if it was so noteworthy.

  • blondie

    Actually it was a proclamation.


    doinmypartRe: District Convention ruminations posted ~ a month ago (7/1/2009)

    Post 287 of 287
    Since 3/18/2002

    My sister told me about the interviews re. animals in the new system. One interviewee was a child, spoke about wanting some wild animal as a pet. The other interviewee was a middle aged woman, looked forward to not having fear of snakes and petting one in the new system. My sister was surprised, she thought the interviews were rather silly.

    She also mentioned a resolution was read on Sunday. Did anyone else catch this.

    purplesofaRe: District Convention ruminations posted ~ a month ago (7/1/2009)

    Post 9633 of 10027
    Since 2/19/2005

    Just saying hey to doinmypart!

    sir82Re: District Convention ruminations posted ~ a month ago (7/1/2009)

    Post 3082 of 3278
    Since 5/17/2005

    Yeah, they didn't call it a "resolution", I think they called it a "proclamation" or something like that.

    The senile old CO who had the part read the thing in a monotone...it took about 5 or 6 minutes all together. It just went on and on and on. I have no idea what it said. Something about God's kingdom, maybe? Anyway at the end, with scarcely a pause to indicate he had finished reading, the speaker said "let all those in attendance who agree say aye".

    A half-hearted mumble, that might have passed for "aye", was heard. I think most people couldn't tell that he had stopped reading the proclamation.

    My wife looked at me and, rolling her eyes, asked "how is anybody supposed to remember all that, to say 'aye' to it?"

    The reading of the proclamation had all the emotion and vigor of a hostage reciting the list of demands a terrorist gave him to read in front of a video recorder.

  • Girlie

    I think the proclamation was along the lines of staying faithful to God, continue without letup to keep declaring God's message. To continue to keep on the watch, etc. etc. All I know is when the proclamation was made with a thunderous clap in agreement, I didn't clap.

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