the WBTS Vs Self help book

by highdose 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • highdose

    just an insight i thought i'd share with you all. while in the borg i read a self help book ( was trying to undone some of the constant damage being done to me mentaly) the book was interesting in that it quoted a scripture, " love thy neighbour as thy self", it pointed out that this is actualy a comand to love ourselves, since it serves as a standard for which to love others.

    this point really jumped out at me since it was totaly true. but... then i started questioning why is it that the WBTS have never brought this scripture out like this? i've never heard anything like this said about this verse?

    i told a fellow JW about it, and he went quiet and then said he didn't want to know.


  • jamiebowers

    Loving yourself doesn't leave any room to put a printing corporation first in your life. It doesn't allow adherants to develop the self loathing that is required to obey a prnting corporation to the death.

  • designs

    I have seen more progress in coming to terms with some trajedy or compulsion, or setting a life goal when a person takes advantage of some counseling whether its been from a book or counselor. Maybe because its more specific, or the issues are fully addressed.

    Anyway, it seems to work well for Witnesses who go that extra step or anyone else for that matter.

    Sermons or Public Talks could reach that level of personalization and motivation with the right nuance and style. Something beyond 'be good' or 'do more for your religion'.

  • Heaven

    highdose ... this is an excellent point. Thank you for sharing it with us. You are so right... because it is so true. I feel really badly for that one Witness who said to you that he didn't want to know. I'm glad you planted that seed.

    jamiebowers.... hits another one outta the park!

    If you love yourself, then you wouldn't let anyone else control you. This is why I couldn't sign up -- subjugation of women is not loving and I couldn't do it to myself. This is also one of the reasons I knew this was not a religion of God or Christ.

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