Other JWs get taken by Fellow JW

by Kenneson 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    See "St. Peter's broker banned for ponzi scheme"


    Search on the site for St. Peter's broker and the article will come up. See the full story.

  • villabolo
  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    actually see every KH. How many JW's have borrowed money from another JW and NEVER PAID IT BACK!

  • nelly136

    i hear about ponzi schemes but am i understanding it right?

    someone borrows off no1 then borrows off no2 to pay no1? then borrows off no3 to pay number 2? and so on until the last people in the line dont get anything back?

    is it a double your money offer thing? what makes it so attractive compared to investing in something else? are the initial 'investors' liable for tax?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Greed. Everyone wants something for nothing. Getting promises of huge returns is too much to turn down

  • nelly136

    thanks wha, you just answered my next question lol

  • nelly136

    weird isnt it, the jws are quite happy to invest their time for the big pay out day putting in year after year and never getting a return,

    the borg is quick to punish visible sins eg fornication smoking etc they might whinge a bit about materialism but dont seem to take that much notice unless it affects meeting or door time, do they ever punish greed or do they overlook that as they depend on the inner greed to keep bums on seats?

  • WTWizard

    They hoot about being honest enough to return a lost wallet. Yet they go and scam each other like this--as well as scamming the public into giving up children in custody battles and recruiting members.

    I would rather lose my wallet to a worldly person that is going to be more honest when it comes to initiating scams.

  • undercover

    I got a kick out of one of the reader's comments:

    Boy I didnt know going house to house you could have that kind of money? I am going thru my neighborhood now so open the doors and give me some coin

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