Does anyone ever fail their baptism questions anymore

by JWinprotest 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWinprotest

    It used to be a lot more common when I was a kid, but you don't hear about it anymore.

  • Farkel

    :Does anyone ever fail their baptism questions anymore

    Which questions? There are about 200 of them! Of course, those questions are all Bible-Based: like the time Jesus preached to the crowds and hundreds of them got baptized that very same day. Jesus must have had one heck of a time asking those two hundreds questions to each of those hundreds of people. And they hardly had any time at all to study for them before they had to take the test and then get baptized into "Jehovah's spirit-directed 'organization'".

    It was one busy day for Jesus, who, at the time, was the designated representative for God's "Organization."

    With regards to your question: I doubt that anyone fails the WTS baptism "test." The WT has a hard enough time just getting them that far, let alone keeping them in once they pledge their allegience and sell their souls to the WT Printing Corporation.

    Farkel, no longer "Organized To Accomplish His Misery"

  • BluesBrother

    Having taken a fair few question sessions in my time, may I say that the idea is not to "fail" the candidate, but rather to "help them" get through...The elder just reviews anything that they are unsure of, and only if they are not happy with the WT explanation would it cause a problem.

    NB the "Organization" book 2005 says p181 that the student should already have a book and is encouraged to prepare and study for the sessions. "You may have this book open during the discussion with the elders"

    They do not want them to change their mind and not get baptized..

  • IronHill

    The questions are not setup for BluesBrother commented, you get the book before hand, study the questions, (which btw have the answers right under them), and have the book in front of you during the session.

    It's like a prolonged "bible study"...

  • parakeet

    It was one busy day for Jesus, who, at the time, was the designated representative for God's "Organization."

    Not to mention the time he must have had afterward, keeping field service reports on papyrus. I wonder how many hours/month Jesus required from a baptized disciple. I'm sure those scrolls will turn up soon in some Middle East cave.

  • Marlene

    I failed my publisher questions initially...

    Elder: Why do we go out in service?

    Me: To collect money for watchtower and awakes.


  • JWinprotest

    I ask because I remember as a kid the elders rejecting baptism for a few teenagers in our cong. Later on I heard that the elders didn't think they were ready based on their answers to a majority of the questions (but I was very young so I could've been lied to). I do remember one kid though who was one session away from passing and he was rejected for saying "Shit" during a congregation baseball game. But like Farkel said, with number dwindling I'm sure they'd be willing to overlook a lot more these days.

  • yknot

    The process in my KH is an open book discussion. Should a candidate not be able to discuss a question to the satisfaction of an Elder it turns into mini-tutor session. Once the candidate professes utter understanding and belief they are recommended. The only way to fail is to refuse to accept fully the WTS interpretation on 'key' questions.

    Remember the more baptisms a congregation has the better they look in official reports!

  • straightshooter

    I know of one this year who was initially rejected. The elders did tell him to do added research and bring back the answer. He did not get baptized at the Circuit Assembly because he did not have the answer. He did the added research and told the elders the answer. The elders then told him that he was qualified to get baptized for the following District Convention.

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