My friend needs help with a question about Jesus Apostles.......

by awildflower 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • awildflower

    The other day in conversation with her husband, she was bringing out how Jesus didn't start a congregation. He said that the fact that Jesus choice 12 apostles to 'take the lead' and look out after the sheep, is proof that the current elder arrangement is biblical. She didn't know how to answer him and would like your opinions or research on the topic.

    So the question is: Are Jesus 12 Apostles proof of an elder arrangement?

    I will thank you from her in advance!

  • UnConfused

    Of course not. Does it prove that Jesus delegated, yes. But the logic used by the elder would also 'prove' that the Catholic Bishop arrangement is proper or the 12 Mormon Apostles are divine.

    I think a very appropriate counter question to ask in return would be. If Jesus 'chose' the Bible Students in 1919, why didn't they know it for 10 years? It wasn't until 1929 that this 'New Light' was revealed. That is not how it was done with Paul or any of the other Prophets or Apostles Jesus or Jehovah chose.

  • donuthole

    Apostle means one who is sent. Just as Jesus was sent from his Father, he selected twelve to in turn send out to Israel. They were never intended to be a central governing body stationed in Jerusalem. They traveled to all parts of the known world bearing witness to Jesus. If anything they might be considered missionaries.

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