A book by Neil Howe and William Strauss on what I can tell is about human (cultural) behavior which their theory points to spring, summer fall and winter being the hardest time frame in human culture. The seasons being some 20-25 years in length. I just ordered the book so I haven't read it but seems quite interesting and I was wondering if anyone here read it and has any comments on it.
The Fourth Turning
by diamondiiz 2 Replies latest jw friends
Blithe Freshman
I have read it. I tell all my family & friends to read it. They have loads of reseach on how history cycles & repeats. There are 4 turnings in a cycle, and each generation is named as it begins adulthood. The most recent 4 are the Silent, Boomer, Gen13, & Millies. The book talks about the effects of each generation , how they are raised & as they reach adulthood & maturity how they influence society.
There are good arguments against end times claims that could be made by people wanting to capitalize on the crisis cycle we are entering, although their discussion of religion doesn't go into it.
Get a note book, there are many charts but keeping one with the :
names of the cyles ( 2nd turning - 1964-1984)
names of the generations ( prophet, born 1943-1960)
specific cyles names ( consciousness revolution )
specific generation names ( Boom Generation or Boomers)
all in one timeline will help.It can be confusing till you get that all down.
The book has helped me understand my pareants , myself & children.
Enjoy! BF
Thanks BF. sounds you enjoyed it. I've heard of it last year and meant to read it earlier but lost the title and author until I was reading another article the other day and the book was mentioned in which I decided to buy it and read it myself. Glad you enjoyed it as I'm looking forwards to reading it.