Hello, everyone.
I have been absent from the board quite a while because I don't have internet service at home. My financial situation is very tight right now.
A couple of weeks ago, someone posted a topic about why the WT may be moving its printing operation to Canada. I thought the best of the possible reasons given was socialized medicine for the workers / volunteers of the publishing operation.
One reason that I did not see posted -- the one I believe may be one of the chief reasons -- is that the WTBTS probably would rather be in a remote location so that when there are protests and demonstrations from former members, they will not be observed by many people. Since the organization decided to support child molestors, selectively applying the two-witness rule to protect the worst people in society, protests are likely to continue.
Since the 1980's, there have been quite a few demonstrations or protests at the Brooklyn headquarters. I participated in the Silentlambs march in 2002; that march got media coverage and was observed by much of the affluent population of Brooklyn Heights as well as their domestic help. The next year, one other individual and I went to the Watchtower House in London regarding the child molestation issue. The London headquarters is 'way out of the central area of the city and is set back off the road quite a bit. A large demonstration would not have had the same effect that it did in Brooklyn.
Grace Gough once said that the WTS would arrange for people using jackhammers and noisy tools to be around the Brooklyn headquarters when they knew there was going to be a protest. It has to be a bit of a hassle to plan and orchestrate all of this fake work to drown out the voices of those who care.
Any thoughts?