It's Like Buying Stock in the Watchtower

by journey-on 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    I'm feeling sorry for some of the JW old timers. Last time I saw Brother M....., he looked down and tired.

    These born-ins and old timers bought "stock" in this company using the years of their life. Now, the company

    has lost value, but it's like they can't turn loose because they have spent too much. Some of them even gave up

    their family members (shunning) and abandoned long time friends that chose to leave. They keep holding on hoping

    the price will go back up and praying that their life was not for naught.

    Did you sell short....take what you had left of your life and get out? Or, are you still holding on to devalued stock

    hoping it's going to rise again and you can finally cash in for that big reward?

  • bluecanary

    It's a good analogy. I only wish it would help those still in see the terrible price they're paying.

    I cashed out and didn't get nearly what I put in.

  • WTWizard

    I noticed that "shares" in the religion went down sharply. They told me that it was going to infinity from about $200 a share when I went in (as if lost opportunities could have a money price), and instead it went down to next to zero. I got zero value, zero dividends, and zero return on my investment in this religion. And now they are trying to tell me that it will go back up--scamming me into wasting even more.

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