Ye Have An Unction

by snowbird 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • snowbird

    1 John 2:20 in the KJV reads, "Ye have an unction from the Holy One and ye have knowledge ...

    From The Message Bible:

    1 John 2:20 But you belong. The Holy One anointed you, and you all know it.

    When I was zealously occupied with the JW's, this Scripture was suggested by WT as a means to show householders the superiority of the NWT's modern English rendering.

    I knew the meaning of unction, that it shares a root with unctuous - the characteristic of being smooth or oily (anointing means to smear with oil) - but, it was assumed that most people didn't.

    My zeal in pointing this out to people who answered the doors was something to behold. I "placed" quite a few of those infamous Green "Bibles" with unsuspecting householders, never realizing that we were being duped.

    The foreword to the NWT states that the "translators" held a fear of and reverence for the Divine Author of the Holy Scriptures. When I first read that, I was impressed with such an undertaking. Now, I'm filled with anger and disgust that they would do such a thing.


  • SixofNine

    er... what is the NWT's modern rendering? C'mon sister, I wanna share the rage, damknit.

  • snowbird
    C'mon sister,

    Say what??? No "negro please"???

    1 John 2: 20 And YOU have an anointing from the holy one; all of YOU have knowledge. NWT

    Note: No caps for holy one. To keep the reader from identifying Him with the Holy One (YHWH) of Israel, perhaps?

    I can't turn this highlight off!


  • SixofNine

    Nyckle plee, I like to mix it ups.

    The non-caps is dodgy, but the overall wording seems ok. I give it a 5 on my rage meter.

    Twin Bobs out.

  • snowbird

    My rage has subsided a bit, but it still resurfaces - like at 2:43 this am!

    I'm also angry at myself for allowing a group of men, MEN! mind you, to convince me that an anointing was not for all Christians.

    I was an almost hopeless fool!


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