Is It a "JW Thing"......?

by cameo-d 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cameo-d

    Do JWs become *a little* psychotic when they cannot convert a study?

    Have you ever had someone you studied with or a book study conductor that frightened you if you "didn't get it"?

    Have you ever just gone along with it because you were terribly intimidated by someone?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, my mother and grandmother. Scary women when it came to the twoof.

  • oompa

    funny cameo......i can almost see them leaving the study, sitting on the sidewalk, taking their shoes/sandals off and shaking the dust off.......oompa

    fortunately (actually unfortunately).......i am guilty of only converting one family......i really need to apologize......

  • cameo-d

    I was thinking, too, of a recent JWN member "meltdown" who seemed to have a board study here.....

  • blondie

    I doubt that anyone on this board is qualified to diagnose anyone as being "psychotic." I find it undermines what we have to say on here about jws and the WTS when we venture into areas where we aren't qualified.


  • BluesBrother

    The vast majority of "studies" peter out to nothing, so I doubt that any dub is surprised that a student does not "get it"

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