“A Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses”

by Doug Mason 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The following is from pages 81 to 83 of “A Study of Jehovah’s Witnesses” written in 1969.

    The complete Study is available at



    Until recently the Society did not admit that any mistakes were made by Russell or Rutherford - just that the light of truth was getting stronger. It is possible that the Society is now changing its attitude slightly: admitting that some mistakes were made in the past while remaining certain that they are God's chosen organisation. This is succinctly summed up in a statement by A. H. Macmillan: 'With the passing of the years I have had many trials and have had to make a number of adjustments in my understanding of God's Word, but I saw no reason to permit such things to disturb my faith.' This attitude is typical of the Witnesses; somewhere in the back of their minds is the certainty that the Society is right - whatever doctrinal contradictions (Macmillan calls them 'adjustments') or unfulfilled prophecies or inconvenient facts, the Witnesses remain certain that the Society is right, and they are proud of this unshakable faith! I quote extensively from the 1st June 1967 Watchtower to illustrate the current Society line:

    Today on earth there is a people numbering more than one million who are in complete unity. ... All the more amazing is it that these people are located in 199 lands, are of all colors and nationalities and speak different tongues. ... We see changes taking place in the organisation to make it at all times more clean. ... For instance, what father would sit his baby down before a big steak and tell him to eat it? The baby would not even understand what the father said. ... However as the baby grew up he could eat heavy food. He could take training and learn to do difficult tasks. ... Sometimes he would come across things he had never handled before, and might try to go ahead on unfamiliar ground and make a mistake.

    But, if obedient, when corrected in a loving manner, he would change and from there on proceed to do the job in the right way. It is this way with Jehovah's people, his organisation. Some have called Jehovah's witnesses 'false prophets' because, in times past, they have viewed things a certain way and, later, have made a change through the official publications. Or, there may have been practices by some members in the organisation that have been permitted to continue for a time for lack of knowledge as to how to handle these things, but later they have learned from God's Word what his will is and have gone ahead and made the necessary corrections. False prophets do not correct themselves. God's people do. And it is noticeable even to the people on whom they call that Jehovah's witnesses as an organisation are growing to maturity, becoming ever kinder, more loving and tactful and more effective in their preaching work. ... A glimpse at the history of Jehovah's witnesses will illustrate its progressive advancement. In 1918 they had gone into a state of inactivity due to an unclear understanding of their Christian position. ... Since 1938 there have been further refinements as the theocratic organisation continues to grow toward perfection. ... Before 1938 Jehovah was not bringing great in­creases of new members into his organisation, for it was not ready to care for them in the proper way.

    This massive apologia concludes with a glowing description of the New World Society today.

    The above explanations are clearly preferable to the previous Society line that they had always been right. Nevertheless the Society is still not telling the whole truth. They do not say that up to now they have not admitted their mistakes, no wonder they were called 'false prophets'. They are also very coy about how much they confess; my impression is that they only admit to errors that are blatant and liable to cause individual Witnesses to fall away; if possible they sweep most of their past errors under the carpet of soothing historical generalisations. It is typical of the Society to use even their errors as evidence that they are right: 'False prophets do not correct themselves'. They are making a virtue out of their repentance, forgetting about the fact that they were wrong ! Of course it is better to repent of error than not to repent, but I should have thought it was more typical of God's organisation not to make errors at all. The Witnesses’ reply to this is that human beings are fallible and even those in God's organisation are not immune from error. It seems to me, however, that this makes it difficult to decide which is God's organisation if that too is prone to error, and the New World Society has made so many errors in the past that they do not appear to be the likely candidates.

  • Atlantis

    Doug Mason:

    Thank you Doug! Appreciate your hard work in making this available.

    Keep em coming my friend!

    Cheers! Atlantis!

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Thank you. I have sent you a PM, and I would appreciate a response.


  • Atlantis

    Doug Mason:

    I can see your concerns Doug! If you would feel better by pulling the link from the board, then by all means do so. No one would blame you for pulling the link. Everyone here understands when it comes to copyright. It is OK Doug, you do what you feel is right and don't hesitate to ask Lady Lee, Scully, or Simon for their opinion.

    Thank you my friend!

    Cheers! Atlantis!

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Atlantis, my friend,

    I deleted access to the file. I am comfortable with my decision, while at the same time I am disappointed that I had to do it.

    Thank you for your support and for your advice.

    Sorry folks, but I hope you understand. Please contact me if you have any questions about my action.


  • Atlantis

    Dou Mason:

    Very wise decision Doug! If someone wants the file they can contact you privately. No problem!

    Cheers! Atlantis!

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