
by Dragon-Samo 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dragon-Samo

    So yeah.


    new here.

    Isn't this place supposed to be FOR JW's?

    I think all the apostates should be ISP banned.

    It kinda ruins the mood.

    They're the equivalent of trolls on DeviantArt xD

    so ya.

    I'm 15, male, and I live in Oregon.

    Raised in the truth and don't plan on leaving it ;D

    Anyone else here form Oregon?

    I could use more friends :D

    And on the eighth We're going to washington for like...a huge pool...party...thing

    And I ain't got no one to go with :B

    A new friend would be awesome to take :D

    I live in Salem and go to Central Spanish.

    (I don't know all the terms in English. My mom is Mexican and a witness, while my dad is white and is NOT a witness so ya....)


  • bluecanary

    Welcom Dragon-Samo,

    Under the forum title on the main page you'll see the phrase: "The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!"

    There are witnesses, ex-witnesses and non-witnesses on this site. Consider What the Watchtower Society says in its publications:

    "We need to examine not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated … if we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination." Truth, pg. 13

    Awake, 10/22/1973, pg 6, "Reasonable persons agree that the only fair method is to examine the evidence on both sides, both for and against a disputed theory. That is how one arrives at the truth."

    Wt, 11/15/63, pg 688, 689, "It is not a form of religious persecution for anyone to say and show that another religion is false. Why should anyone practice a religion unless he is convinced that it is true and right?"

    You will see a lot of comments from people who do not feel that the Watchtower Society is teaching the truth on this site. If you have been raised as a Witness, like I was, this is a good oportunity to understand your religion from another point of view. If you disagree with these people, look at it as an oportunity to to figure out how to better witness to people who have a negative view of your religion.

    I recommend sticking around a while and reading the comments, even if you disagree with what you see. Feel free to post about your beliefs and opinions. Many of us enjoy a good discussion/debate. There are a lot of crazy, fun people here to make friends with.

    Nice to meet you


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