"Wonders of Creation" - new DVD

by Mickey mouse 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    If you haven't seen it and can stomach a short clip, check this out (especially the sequence from around one minute in):


    There should be a caption that says "If you are thinking of becoming a Jehovah's Witness, this is what you can expect from life".

  • homeschool

    Thats funny, because when I was a JW, I was exactly like they were at minute one of this video.

    My sister was telling me about this new DVD, and how it "saves" her from having to watch ALL the other t.v. shows with talk about how we came about by evolution. I said "I've only seen one or two nature shows on t.v. that show we came from evolution" to which she scoffed "well, you obviously haven't seen many because they ALL say we came from evolution".(roll in the condescending tone! )

  • bohm

    the dad has a very annoying effect on me :-)

    sad, its the end of an era, the script has obviously been proofread by someone who is a bit knowledgeable about the subject. i will miss the good ol' times with the water canopy and wild speculations vagualy based on creationists...

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    This video is nothing but fluff, the watchtower evidently isn't even putting any effort into their bullshit anymore.

  • WTWizard

    Enjoy music? There are 135 pieces of s*** that pass as "music" that we are supposed to listen to, and anyone listening to anything else is going to be hounded to get rid of it.

    Hiking? Beach? Sunsets? I can see Brother Hounder telling them that they cannot be out in field circus while enjoying these things, and field circus is what our time is for. We are in a perenniel "emergency", and are not supposed to actually enjoy any of these things. We were made with that capacity, and then branded wicked for wanting to enjoy it.

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