Henry Allingham is dead

by Earnest 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Earnest

    The BBC reports that Henry Allingham, the world's oldest man and one of the last surviving World War I servicemen, has died at the age of 113.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    1914 generation

    There is only one serviceman left alive who fought in WWI.

    Henry Allingham lived life to the full and attributed his longevity to "alcohol, cigarettes and wild women".

    RIP Henry.

  • Earnest
  • Farkel

    Just for the record, 1914 was 95 years ago. Mr. Allingham was 20 years old then, barely old enough to "comprehend" the stupendous significance of that "prophetic date."

    Those who were BORN on that date are obviously 95 years old now. (I'm sure all those infants born in 1914 "witnessed" what happened that year! HAHAHA!) When the WTS stated for what, 80+ years that the 1914 generation would "not pass away", I guess what they were really saying was "Armageddon will happen right before the very LAST living human on earth who was alive in 1914 will die." That last human living is how they defined the term "generation" of people.

    Then they changed that "generation" shit and replaced it with a NEW version of "generation" shit.



  • Earnest

    Thanks for the scan, Mickey Mouse...I remember that Watchtower and the conviction at the time that the end had to be soon. Not to nit-pick, but for the sake of accuracy the BBC report mentions two British survivors of WW1 remaining:

    Mr Allingham is survived by Harry Patch, who turned 111 last month and is now one of the last two British survivors of WWI.

    The other British survivor is Claude Choules, aged 108, who served with the Royal Navy and fought in the Battle of Jutland, as did Mr Allingham.

  • mouthy

    So Ernest!!! when those two die...That is the generation the WT is talking about???
    Oh what WONDERFUL Prophets they are,were,will be, ????they"AINT"!!!!!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I think that cover was one last attempt to milk the 1914 generation for all it was worth before trying to bury them and come of with a new definition for generation. You would have thought by that time they would have known better but I guess they could help themselves. Pushing a false date seems to be the only way they know how to try to increase their numbers.

  • Quandry

    Yes, but the ORGANIZATION didn't say that, only some in the organization.

    Some read too much into that statement........

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