The Dead Shall Rise

by cameo-d 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Could it be that the dead will rise to tell us stories in cryptic messages they have left behind?

    For the first time we have so many bits and pieces of history at our fingertips if we only connect the dots.

    Scraps of information here and there. Some reliable, some not. Sift and sort; objective criteria weighing in the balance.

    Take, for instance, this painting. It is titled The Crucifixion of the Parlement of Paris (1452) by an unknown French Master.

    It really made me gasp when I realized something so out of place and unexpected.

    But more than this, the horror I saw actually upstages the crucifixion.

    What could be the reason for upstaging something so dramatic as the crucifixion?

    What is the message here?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It is difficult to start a new cult without upsetting somebody.

  • cameo-d

    Here is another one....made me gasp like a fish out of water .....

    when I realized that there is a perverted exhibitionist.........again upstaging the crucifixion!

    This painting was rendered in 1480.

    Artist: Berme Jo Bartolome

  • cameo-d

    Black Sheep! That story is very disturbing! I wonder if he went off the deep end because he was so grief stricken losing his wife? Or did he use this misfortune as a capitalist venture?

    The caption says "he believed his embalmed wife would rise from the dead".... but how different is that from millions of people who believe that same thing?

    Couldn't this be as misinterpreted as WT Paradise tales?

  • cameo-d

    So nobody else finds it weird that these paintings c.1450 of the crucifixion would include a flasher and a beheaded man?

    Doesn't the sudden diversion jolt you?

    Doesn't anyone think there is a message here?

    Why would an artist do this, when you think all the focus would be on the crucifixion?

    And doesn't it seem a bit irreverent?

  • cameo-d


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