life without drama is boring?..nothing much to post about now...however...

by oompa 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    since so many of you guys HATED MY DRAMA as you called it....(i just call it my life at that time)...which was wild roller coaster ride for nearly three years.......(and damm do i love wild coasters)......but not in real life situations out of amusement parks me thinks......

    so the drinking may still be a prob even though i quit for a month save one birthday FIRST EVER!....yet i was lite even told me so.......

    i started back a bit last week.....way too soon and not sure why.....but loss of biz is a huge stress.......first time in my life i feel a struggle and cash flow i am DAMM LUCKY i guess!!........first time ever.....really........i mowed yards and cleaned gutters starting at 10, and had a huge morning paper route from age 13-15 at 5:00 that got me my first motorcycle....and had a great paying job in high school........weird having your first money worries at mid-life....oompa

  • lurk3r

    Congrats on the one month (almost) wagon ride Oompa. Thats a tough ride indeed. Just out of curioousity....what did you drink at the party?

    edit: Congrats on the first bday party too! Thats awsome.

  • jamiebowers

    Happy Birthday oompa!

  • oompa

    it was a mini apostafest btw......but there was punch and i added some vodka......there was a ton of booze btw....but i did ok.....weird but i had none of the typical side effects of withdrawal......and i have drank a good bit of hard every night for at least three years.....kind of my self medicating sleeping pill.....

    HOWEVER.....i did only sleep an hour a night for the first two nights, and that was not until 6 am....but still i felt great the next day as at least i rested well watching tv......i know i should prob just give it up for good, but maybe it is just an emotional attachment since i had no physical withdrawals??.......i gotta figure it out for me i guess..............i am soooo damm lucky to have so many others from here nearby!!!.......thanks guys........oompa

    i love my new friends!!!!.......

  • purplesofa

    Good to hear,

    I love no drama and boring.

    I will take it whenever I can get it.

    Nice post.


    Maybe the loss of your business is making your life simpler, along with getting things worked out in you mind about the JW experiance, being an ex-JW etc etc, mqking new friends and you are able to handle life now without all the drinking?

  • oompa

    purps....ya.......all that is true.....but the lack of busines making life simple is scary as hell........and finding a workable relationship with jw wife is working better too.....but i am floundering a bit on the biz thingy.....tought times......but not just for me i know......damm i just heard that 1.9 million homes were foreclose on this year so far!!.......where are all these people living???.........oompa

  • purplesofa

    I am living with my son!!!

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