I'm creating a thread to make like a public journal for knick knack things like what's happening with me, my wife and so on. Kinda like a online diary, if you will.
Today I had a meeting with my wife's dietitian from Meals on Wheels, the case manager at the dialysis center regarding some changes with her meals.
Monday was a new policy change at the dialysis center that patients cannot eat or drink hot liquid while on the dialysis machine. Naturally my wife got upset (as well as the rest of the patients) and began to worry that her sugar level could drop if she didn't have proper meals in her system to keep her sugar level at a even keel.
So today we discussed the situation and the case manager is gonna give my wife a case of protien drinks that is cold, not a very good subsitute for real meals, but it can hold her over until she's done being dialylized and eat a real meal when she gets home. She could eat a half lunch before she gets picked up at 10 AM during the dialysis days, which is M, W & F.
Also, I spoke with the dietitian regarding last month's MoW bill as it was a bit higher than I had expected. So from now on, she's getting her meals for free. Woo Hoo! Naturally, I gotta figure out how to pay off last month's bill. She told me to contact her if I run into any snags.
Picked up the restraining order against my step-son from the courthouse today and the deputy dropped off my step-son's copy at the front door, so my wife will call the g/f when she gets home to inform her that he has something for him and she is to pick it up for him. In case you are wondering what it is about, see this link... http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/178495/2/Does-everyone-like-you
Doing laundry and chillin' at the computer for now while I wait for my baby to come home.