After Armageddon: Vision of The Future (Part 1) (in 3 segments)

by cameo-d 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • cameo-d

    (I am reposting the first two segments due to the fact that I was rudely interrupted before I could finish typying the third segment and conclusion to Part 1.)

    After Armageddon: Vision of The Future (Part 1)

    ---an original story by Cam---

    Armageddon has come and gone and I am left to tell the story. I can't say exactly when Armageddon ended; it happened as gradually as it had begun. It's just that the dust sorta cleared, so to speak, about three months ago.

    It seemed like people weren't dieing anymore and the military started flying over areas spraying some kind of chemical sanitizers. Don't know what it was. Maybe it was something to kill germs, I suppose. Then, about a week later hazmat teams went through with the meat wagons. Then, there was another aerial spray, and three months later, here we are going into the areas.

    We have all overheard a bit of talk about that. Some that went in to pick up bodies said there weren't nearly as many as they expected to find. I know walking around in my neighborhood, I didn't see much. Everybody had been ordered to stay inside for so long, so I guess I wouldn't have known if people were dead or alive inside their homes.

    A lot of folks talked about missing family members, coworkers.... neighbors. Maybe those people died in other places, maybe they did go to death camps, but nobody talks about that rumor at all. It's not allowed. People will turn you in for talk like that.

    We have also heard that some of the worldly Christians (yes, they are still around!) believe that the rapture got some people and that Jesus came back and took his chosen. If that were so, I don't think he would have left me, so I don't believe he came.

    I guess most of us aren't really sure what happened. Media coverage announced that the flu pandemic had turned deadly and the next thing we knew, entire cities went into lockdown and state borders were closed. We had gotten a heads-up from the elders the week before. They were calling all members in good standing to tell us to stock up on medications, supplies, and food for a month or two. Somehow they had an inside line. Of course, it all came down from Jehovah's mouthpiece, the FDS. Since learning the truth about "the truth" I have felt that the Organization was into something much deeper and that they were part of an elaborate game plan.

    Whatever happened during the next couple of months, we just don't know with any certainty. The Elders said it was Jehovah's instructions to his people to "go into our inner sanctums and close the door." We were told that the FDS said not to come out of the house for any reason. The WHO had asked people to self-quarrantine as much as possible, but there were no government demands to do so. No martial law like people had been expecting. The only thing is, people who did go out shopping, or to the movies, sometimes did not return home ever again.

    Somedays there were no television broadcasts at all. Most days the phone lines were dead, too. Even cells were on the blink. In between these episodes, the media was telling us it had something to do with solar flares and meteor showers. Sometimes they blamed it on frequency jamming and kinks in the network due to the digital change-over. Workers at the water treatment plant and the electric company were often out sick and that accounted for some of the water and power outages; at least, that's what we were told.

    I know you probably have a lot of questions and I will get to them, but I am just gonna start with telling you what my daily routine is like right now.

    The congregation set up a service location at the local high school in town. Probably because they have a lot of desks and file cabinets and plenty of classrooms for the different teams to meet separately in smaller groups. They have bused in all the congregations within 15 miles to this one central location. We all pretty much know each other or at least a lot of the faces are familiar.

    We just got assignments and territory cards this week. I am driving the jewel truck. There are two vans that ride ahead of me and they are chauffering 16 sisters total. We drive into the territory together and the sisters go four to each house, working both sides of the street. So they are doing four houses at a time. They go in and get all the jewelry.

    My truck holds eight big boxes on the back. My partner and me help to separate it after the sisters bring it out. They don't have time to sort because they are supposed to get as many houses done as fast as they can. Brother Fred, that's my territory buddy, he sorts out the mens jewelry. I am supposed to sort the valuable stuff---gold, diamonds, and silver---from the women's costume junk jewelry. Not that I've got anything against rhinestones and beads; it's just what they tell me I am supposed to do. And I want to do a good job for The Kingdom, you know. (barf. double barf.)

    The walls in this hotel are thin. One night I heard a group of the brothers in the other room talking about how the PO had kept secret records on all the cong members and it had been turned into headquarters. Apparently, all PO's did this. The records listed everyone's employment history and their work experiences, outside activities, and hobbies. It seemed innocent enough as far as information goes. The PO probably did not ever have a clue that this info was to be used in the future to match people to their jobs and duties after Armageddon.

    This was how headquarters had been able to so rapidly deploy work teams that were experts in their fields. Well, as far as any JW can be called an 'expert' in anything...what with education being discouraged. I don't know shit from shinola myself....I just worked in jewelry repair for a big they figured I can spot gold from plastic beads. That's all.

    Anyway, headquarters had sent lists around to each area with the assigned teams already prepared: cooks, janitors, electricians, daycare workers, nurses, etc. and so forth. Talk about efficient!

    Actually, a lot of these people were already in place before Armageddon hit but I don't think they even realized that they were the skeleton crew. How it happened---now that is peculiar, too.

    My friend John was df'd. He got really upset when he saw his parents packing suitcases to leave. A lot of people were getting picked up by church buses and school buses. John was afraid they were being taken off to FEMA camps and he begged them not to go. As it turns out, certain select people were being picked up and taken to strategic locations to make preparations for those who would be incoming after Armageddon. That's why I say they were the skeleton crew and did not even know it. Some were taken to the farms; others were taken to hotels like this one. Some of the hotels had been seized due to mortgage payment failures and such. All the churches were divvying up most of the big hotels. Who knew?

    John's parents are here but nobody seems to know what happened to him. He just simply disappeared into thin air, and that was early on, before the dead became too numerous to count. John and I had a lot of long talks. We had both come to the realization that WT was a pack of lies.

    I had already started the slow fade and was hoping that my family members might see through some of it, too. I once mentioned something that revealed my skepticism and the wife gave me "that look" know how it goes. So I just kept my mouth shut to keep peace. None of them knew how much I really know. If they did, I get a creepy feeling that I would disappear, just like John did.

    One thing I just don't get about this Armageddon story. It was supposed to get rid of all the bad people. You know, "Look for the wicked and he will have no place." It didn't quite work out like that. And you know what they said about it would only be us to survive? Well, that ain't so, either. There are lots of Catholics and Baptists and people from all the other religions that are still around. Course we don't see them. They have their own compounds. There are some things about all this that just don't quite add up yet.

    We got four elders supervising our work team. Behind their backs, ma and Brother Fred call them "the bulls". That's short for bullwhips. They get to wear Polo shirts. I think the PO must have hijacked a laundry truck because the rest of us have been given uniforms to wear. See how well Jehovah provides for his people? Mine is dark blue shirt and pants. It's got "Michael" embroidered on the pocket. The sisters wear brown jumpsuit uniforms.

    If you ask me, these bulls remind me of a warden on a chain gang. If they think the sisters are taking too long in the house, they go put the rush on them. And they watch to make sure we don't talk to them. Like, what's the big deal? These gals are wearing these god awful turd looking uniforms with yellow rubber gloves and blue bandanas on their heads. Ain't no eye candy here! No wonder they said no sex in the new system! If this is going to be the rest of my life, it's enough to make a man impotent just looking at these JW nuns! The single sisters and ones whose husbands are out of town all have their own hotel separate from the marrieds; the single brothers have their own hotel across town, too.

    There was a bit of a problem yesterday. Seems one of the sisters found a pair of shoes she liked. The bulls wouldn't let her have them. They said it wouldn't be fair to all the other sisters who didn't find a nice pair in their size. They keep promising stuff just like they always have. They told the sisters that eventually everything would be collected and divided up and when that time comes she will have many more choices and can have anything she wants. Yeah, right. Always dangling the carrot.

    By the way, my name is Cam, that's short for Camero, and my wife is Louise and we have three children: Mac (that's Cam spelled backwards--the wife's idea)14, Suzie, 11, and Clarise, 8. They are in kind of a makeshift school situation right now.

    I keep thinking, why don't the five of us just go off by ourselves? We could make do. We don't need these WT people ordering us around and making rules for our lives. We could just walk off into the sunset and start our own lives all over again. Why do I feel so trapped? The New System is the same as the old system....but with a hundred times less freedom. They even tell you where to live now and assign you a room. They tell you when you can eat and you get what you get. They tell you what you will do every day of your life. You work for them and they act like they own you. And all you get is a room and a couple of lousy meals. Heck. All of this is free for the taking. It's not like they are paying our way or something. It's not like they are doing us some big favor.

    Hell, I could walk away right now and go find a house to live in and food.....start my own garden. But I know that right now my wife won't leave with me. Why do I feel that this is becoming a total enslavement and everyone is just going along with it?

    Oh yeah. You might find this amusing. Nobody is bringing out any billfolds. I tell you it would take another truck this size to carry all the billfolds and purses left on the nightstands! But money is worthless now. There's no use for it. Heck, they told us they don't even want the dimes and quarters. Guess it got to where change was mostly tin, so it's not worth anything either.


    We got one week to get our territory done. The next Monday we will get a new area and a different crew will come into this same neighborhood. One thing about the Organization...they sure know how to organize! They got every plan down to a T.

    This is what I know about their system. Next week the antiques crew will come in. They will go through the houses in the same systematic fashion, only this time they have people who are antiques dealers and know their stuff. The trucks that come with them have a lot of packing materials and it's gonna take them a lot longer to get stuff done. (But maybe not in this neighborhood. It don't look to be the antiquey-type class. You know?)

    The week after that the food crews come in and take whatever food they find...just canned goods and packaged stuff. They got electricity turned on in this territory while we are working, but during Armageddon and tribulation, electricity was fickle. Some folks couldn't know, a lot of hardships with job losses and the economy and all. And sometimes there were outages at the plant for long periods of time. So anyway, they won't be taking any refrigerated or frozen foods.

    They have other crews that are attending to commercial sites. All non-perishable items are being taken from the grocery stores and transferred to a central warehouse location. I don't know all the details about where the warehouses are or why they are doing this.

    In the following weeks crews will come in and ciphon gas from all the vehicles. At that time, any equipment in excellent or new condition will be tagged for pick-up. Everything from cars and boats to snowblowers and mowers will be inspected, marked, and set aside. I guess the unmarked stuff will end up in the scrap metal heap.

    Then you got the tool crew following the vehicle inspections. All tools and hardware will be picked up----from power saws to nails. That's really gonna be a job! I'd hate to be the grunt having to size nails all day for the rest of my life. I imagine that job will eventually go to somebody as they keep refining the sorted items on down the line.

    In some of the better neighborhoods they have crews that come in and scout for expensive building materials like marble and unusual fireplace mantles. Later on the scrap metal and lumber crews will come in. I guess everything else gets bulldozed in a heap and burned.

    And so it goes until each territory has been stripped to the bones of every salvageable material.

    I saw the rossiter and it appears that they plan to complete each territory in seven months. Isn't that what the scripture says---seven months to bury the bones? It's not referring to dead people; it's referring to the bones as the structures of what was left of civilization.

    Once these areas are completely stripped, they will be returned to wilderness habitat and wetlands. I remember seeing an Agenda 21 map that showed the twenty year plan. I thought to myself then "no way this can happen unless they do get rid of the population somehow".

    It is amazing that these things have been planned in such detail. It just tells me that none of this is happenstance. These are not plans that were just schemed in recent weeks. A lot of groundwork has been laid to achieve these details. These things were in the works long before "Armageddon" struck. I can't help but wonder....was Armageddon the means to an end?

    Right now we are working a kind of shabby territory---lower middle class I'd call it. It all depends on how many years you had in service as to what kind of territories they assign you.

    I guess those that put in more years or turned in the best time cards get to see what life was like in the Big House. Some of them actually think they are being allowed to look around for the house they get to pick to live in. Haha. And all the while they are stripping it, too. They still just don't get it. I mean common sense would make you ask....why am I stripping this house if it might be the one I want to live in. That's mind control for you!

    I overheard some stuff I probably shouldn't have....but nobody is going to get to have a house any time soon. It will probably be years, if ever at all, that people will be allowed to live separately from the hive. I got a sneak peak at some of the new literature. They are saying we all need to stick together in order to accomplish what needs to be done to bring back Paradise. Some of the new liter-trash talks about living in clans and tribes. Not only for safety, but because of limited resources. Looks like that will be their focus. They will have to instill the new thought before people start getting restless.

    We all have rooms at the local motel and that's probably the way it will be for a few more years, just traveling town to town where the clean-up need is greatest!

    My wife works at the cafeteria at the hotel we all took over. It's the old Ramada. Some joker painted an "N" on the sign at the end of the name, so it looks like we are all celebrating Moslem Christmas or whatever Ramadan is all about.

    We get a fairly decent breaksfast and then dinner is at 6 pm. when we get in. It all depends on what the food crews bring in, so meals are kind of odd and fickle. I mean, sometimes it's, like, bean soup and bread for breakfast.

    I still can't quite get over the efficiency and organization I am seeing as far as the way things are getting done. It's rather amazing the way the shots are being called. Everything down to the last detail has been thought about and perfectly arranged. For the first time ever, WT has all the answers as to what is going to be done. I still can't help being suspicious that all of this was well planned in advance...long before Armageddon ever hit. I mean *snap, snap snap* they just got it all figured out, printed up, trucks ready, housing set up, territories divided, knows who is the experts in this and to trot before Armageddon was even started good.


  • cameo-d

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