This probably seems like a strange question, I know that the JWs will only allow a divorce in a very limited number of circumstances, but what would their view be towards a study getting a divorce if no adultery involved, if her husband is a UBM??
How would a study be counseled on divorce???
by insearchoftruth 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Officially or as individual elders and elder bodies approach it? It isn't the same thing.
Some could say they could get a separation (not scriptural so they can't remarry) if the UBM is a "spiritual" danger.
*** w88 11/1 pp. 22-23 par. 12 When Marital Peace Is Threatened ***Absolute endangerment of spirituality also provides a basis for separation. The believer in a religiously divided home should do everything possible to take advantage of God’s spiritual provisions. But separation is allowable if an unbelieving mate’s opposition (perhaps including physical restraint) makes it genuinely impossible to pursue true worship and actually imperils the believer’s spirituality. Yet, what if a very unhealthy spiritual state exists where both mates are believers? The elders should render assistance, but especially should the baptized husband work diligently to remedy the situation. Of course, if a baptized marriage partner acts like an apostate and tries to prevent his mate from serving Jehovah, the elders should handle matters according to the Scriptures. If disfellowshipping takes place in a case involving absolute endangerment of spirituality, willful nonsupport, or extreme physical abuse, the faithful Christian who seeks a legal separation would not be going against Paul’s counsel about taking a believer to court.—1 Corinthians 6:1-8.
When I began to study my marriage was on the rocks. BIG TIME.
I wanted to divorce and was given the scriptures regarding divorce.
I really felt if I was a better Christian woman I could win him over without a word. This was
what I was shown from the bible as well.
I felt everyone was very cautious in advice while I was studying and after baptism on divorce.
I did everything I could to save the marriage. He was abusive, mentally, physically and emotionally.
I was able to get a scriptual divorce after my baptism, with heaps of support from my congo.
OK, so they would counsel for a study to not divorce unless there was a 'spiritual endangerment', which all but has to be a physical restrainment, or adultery involved......
Am sort of surprised by this, I would think that they would want to 'purge the UBMs' upfront, but I guess as long as I am not overtly apostate, I am a potential male recruit.....sigh
Yes, they definitely will counsel for seperation or divorce if a ubm is involved. Spiritual endangerment is a rather ambiquous statement and can cover just about anything. The silver lining for jw's is the weird thing that happens with their memories and they will forget that the seperation idea ever came from the elders and of course the elders have no memory of suggesting such a thing either. Years later they will completely deny any such idea or conversation even occured as they follow 'bible priciples' and would never suggest such a thing Either that or they use are using theocratic warfare and lying through their teeth as they often do.
Spiritual endangerment can include outright apostate type activities or simple things such as being unhappy when they abandon family to spend time on all jw things, not allowing jw literature to be out openly in the house, family doing fun things while they are gone and not waiting for the jw to come home to join them because the world should run on jw time, continuing celebrating holidays as was always done in your home since the day you got married, etc.... I could go on on the many ways I am a spiritual endangerment but you get the idea.
Spiritual endangerment can include outright apostate type activities or simple things such as being unhappy when they abandon family to spend time on all jw things, not allowing jw literature to be out openly in the house, family doing fun things while they are gone and not waiting for the jw to come home to join them because the world should run on jw time, continuing celebrating holidays as was always done in your home since the day you got married, etc.... I could go on on the many ways I am a spiritual endangerment but you get the idea.
So it sure seems to run the gamut of this determined by the local board of elders, is there written information or could it even be determined by an individual pioneer based on what she sees fit for a situation.....
I guess in the mind of a JW, breaking up a family is a small cost for being able to draw in a new sad.
I don't think they mind terribly if a marriage/family breaks up because someone joins the cult, they could hold that person up for years as an example of faith and putting jah first blah, blah, blah.
I'm sure I am still a spiritual endangerment but since he got dunked I guess he's safe, that, and he really is not allowed to discuss jw things with me anymore anyway. As a poster here said, they really don't even allow God or the bible within an 'unevenly yoked' marriage.
he really is not allowed to discuss jw things with me anymore anyway
Is this due to the rules of the WTS or is it individual household rules?
I believe it was at the suggestion of elders or MS. Also I think there is some wt that says something to the effect that if someone will not accept the jw message not to argue with them but dust your feet off sort of thinking. Which is fine but you would think it would not apply the same way with those you loved. Wouldn't their salvation be more important than a complete strangers? considering the jw view that to make it into the new system one must be a jw? Most jw's will not truly engage in conversation with the doors or in bible study if the person is leaning the other way. They will dump the person rather than have questions they can't answer they would rather the questions not be asked in the first place.
I have a Christian friend who at one time wanted to be a minister and he has had the opportunity to share his faith with a few people he loved (as friends) one was a Hindu and they carried on lively conversations for years, another was an atheist who finally is at least agnostic instead of a full fledged card carrying atheist, again they have been debating for years and years and still my Christian friend does not give up hope. He has had this happen numerous times in his life and many have gone on to become believers, not all become church goers but they have found their own peace in Christ. The friend takes no credit for anything but he continues on with those he loves and all in good natured lively conversations, both parties enjoy the conversations. How different from a jw and they way they present their case for the men in NY.