Do you have a good recipe for No Cheese and Meat Pizza.....HELP!

by restrangled 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I am trying to cooperate with my son, cooking for his new found diet.

    I always make great homemade pizza, but not with out cheese and Italian Sausage!

    I have tons of veggies, olive oil, the red sauce, and even pesto....but no idea how to make his pizza taste good, and not burn up veggies without cheese over!

    Can you help?


  • PrimateDave

    Have you ever just tried it without the meat and cheese? Just sauce and assorted veggies? Can you find non-dairy cheese substitutes (VeganRella or teese) at your supermarket? Worthington makes a canned ground beef substitute that I think goes well on a pizza. Have you Googled "vegan pizza"? You might get some recipes and videos to help you out.


  • restrangled

    Dave, I have found googling recipes is very hit and miss, and most of the 5 star happy responses are usually off the mark and need doctoring extensively.

    So thats why I am asking here!!!!!


  • oompa

    artichoke hearts are great and do not dry olives of course.....white sauce too.........but damm it rocks with feta cheese!!!......wake him up!.......oompa

  • Leolaia

    Try Quorn:

    I love this stuff....the nuggets taste just as good as chicken nuggets, as it is made from fungal protein (as in mushrooms, but it is not made from mushrooms) that is a good substitute for meat protein. Anyway, they have meatless meatballs and meatless ground, which I haven't tried, but I imagine you can spice it up like sausage....

  • Finally-Free

    I can't imagine pizza without cheese. Why not just have a ketchup and bean sandwich that's been warmed up?


  • PrimateDave

    If you are asking "how do I make a sausage and cheese pizza without sausage and cheese," then I'm not sure what to tell you. I focus on the crust which I make myself. It is a basic recipe. I use a cheap propane oven because that is what is in my apartment. I had to learn how to cook the crust, sauce, and vegetables in that oven. I used to make pizzas in an electric oven with a pizza stone, and that is different. All I can say is experiment with temperatures and placement. Maybe you can partially cook the crust and sauce, add the vegetables and move the pizza up to the broiler rack. In my oven I have to put the crust on a cookie sheet on the bottom because that is where the flame is. When the bottom is done, I turn the crust over, put the sauce on it, and add the vegeatables. When the bottom of the crust is done (again), I move the pizza up to the top rack so the vegetables get more time to cook without burning my crust. There is no broiler in my oven, but that is what works for me.


  • Tuesday

    Sure, first off the Sauce has to be alot thicker than normal. So the best bet here is pick up Tomato paste and mix it with whatever spices you like. I usually use a dry-rub then some basil and oregano. From there you have to use vegetables that will stand up to being baked. I would actually suggest baking the vegetables in the oven first while you're preparing the crust.

    Some suggestions would be things like Zucchini, Spinach, Artichoke, Eggplant, etc.

  • nelly136

    you can always par bake the dough before adding the veggies as long as the pieces arnt too big they'll cook on the heat of the base and finish off without drying out too much in the last bit of cook,

    or you could alays say 'hey son we're having pizza, feel free to cook summat yourself'

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