Is the GB the New "Oracle" of Brooklyn?

by compound complex 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings all, particularly those who've replied to the thread "Do you know the real purpose of the Society?"

    I appreciate all the replies made to that thread but was struck particularly between the eyes - where else would a strike be so effective? - by that of civici00. I hope he doesn't mind my basing a thread on his succinct and cogent analysis of what position the Governing Body appears to be occupying today.

    If the GB aspires to the office of The Holy See, whether by design or a confluence of inevitable processes, do you see as reality the following words?:

    Now that he's [Fred Franz] gone, the current leadership has no "oracle" and they're truly lost. I think there's an underlying fear of losing the whole flock, that's why there's been such an emphasis on deifying the GB. Without something to work towards, like an end date, the current GB is appealing to fear and tyranny to keep it together. Without that fear of the GB, every JW would be lost. They don't know how to have a real, spiritual, private relationship with their Creator.

  • snowbird

    I didn't reply on your first thread because I felt I didn't have anything to add.

    As to this one, I would say the GB tries to exert the influence Fred Franz once did, but lacking his charisma and flamboyance, are falling short.

    There's a palpable restlessness among the flock; I can't help but wonder if there will soon be a full-scale revolt.

    It would give me great pleasure to see that happen!


  • Quirky1

    They should recruit Prince as the new oracle...

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    They need some more false Armagedon predictions! Like 2014 would work....or 2075.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Sylvia!

    As ever, SPOT ON!


  • blondie

    Actually, I think few of the GB contributes very little to the magazine/book content. Mostly what was once called "the Given Ones" or non-anointed jws at Bethel draw up this information. The GB members I knew said that the first they saw the articles in the magazines was when they were put on their desks in their rooms at Bethel. A little tweaking of doctrines and policies takes place, but most of the articles are just cut and paste and dumbed down.

    The Oralce died when Fred Franz died.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Quirky & 007:

    Stranger things have happened ... no?


    Interesting point about the GB members, in general, having no input as to publication content. "King Saul is dead!"

    Thanks for your contributions!


  • yknot

    I think the current GB is fed up with the left-overs they are having to deal with from Fred and his predecessors. I think running the WTS/CCJW more corporately (and spiritually generic) is very appealing to them and much to the delight of the legal department.

    I think there is a goal and while fear has a part (as it does in all of Christendom) it won't be as central as bygone years.

    Going to the KH you can often hear testimonies regarding 'Christendom' churches that are flatly outdated by JWs who haven't had any dealings with Churchanity in decades! What they have failed to witness is the move from hellfire and brimstone into the 'purposeful live' movement seen in many denominations. I think it is this concept that the GB will be borrowing while distancing legal liability over matters that will get dumped into the ever growing MOC=AutoDA bag.

    Rutherford successfully dumped most of Russell to create the JWs and his own destiny..... I think the newGB are eyeing such actions and with current scrutiny by European governments the time is ripening.

    Does at anytime God or Christ figure into these changes......... NOPE! They both are just conceptual products sold by the WTS/CCJW.

    Are the GB modern-day apostles..... sure that could be an easy promotional spin!

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