Does anyone know what they do with all the information they have on you, from the time you were still a JW?

by dutchstef 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • dutchstef

    Does anyone know what they do with all the information they have on you, from the time you were still a JW?

    Do they store it in a special file( the (e)x-files haha) and is there a way you can get a hand on it?

  • ptrehearn152

    hi dutchstef, afraid i can't answer your question, i am not, never have been or ever will be a jw but i really would like to know the answer to this one as my parnter is df'd jw, don't understand why a so called religion should have to keep records on people unless you are classed as an employee or a prisoner.

  • cattails

    DutchStef, hier is enige informatie die kan helpen.

    Check out this PDF file:

    2000 The Data Protection Act and the Body of Elders 181K


  • sir82

    I don't know how it works in the Netherlands (or anywhere else for that matter) but here in the US, the elders have surprisingly little information on you, the Watchtower society even less. Unless of course you have been "in trouble".

    If you are a plain vanilla publisher who has never been disfellowshipped, the only "official" record that the elders have is the little publisher card that has your name, address, phone number, date of birth, and field service numbers. The WTS has nothing on you.

    If you are an elder, ministerial servant, or pioneer, the Society knows your name, congregation, date of birth, date of baptism, and date of appointment. I can't think of anything else.

    If you have been reproved, disfellowshipped, or disassociated, the local elders have a file with a summary of the judicial meeting with you. Also, if disfellowshipped, the Society has a particular form which the elders filled out, giving a one paragraph description of when & why you were DF'ed.

    The Society's DF records are never destroyed, as far as I know.

    The local elders' information should be purged 7 years after someone either fades to inactivity or is DF'ed without returning, but that may or may not happen.

  • dutchstef

    The reason I ask, is because I was def'd about 11 years ago and I wonder if they kept a file of the conversation I had with the commitee and for what reason they df'd me...

    I think if they kept it, I'm going to ask for copies of the file...

  • sir82
    The reason I ask, is because I was def'd about 11 years ago and I wonder if they kept a file of the conversation I had with the commitee and for what reason they df'd me...
    I think if they kept it, I'm going to ask for copies of the file...

    The local elders probably do have such a file.

    But they almost certainly won't give it to you. If there is a provision in your country where they are legally bound to give it to you if you ask, they will most likely destroy it first.

  • dutchstef


    I think they have to give it, because we have a verry extended privacy law. And firms, schools, hospitals, govermental organisations, also have to give you a peak in your files if you ask them to...

    But your right they probably "lost"my file when I ask for it.. But I gonna try...

    I'll keep you all informed...

  • cameo-d

    They also have records on your family and friends.

    When you fill out cards for emergency contact, possibilities of how you may be contacted in case of evacuations, etc. They would have ways to know who you will be in contact with and trace you.

    Also, from what I have read on here before there is a permanent copy of all records sent to HQ.

  • Quentin

    No matter your status Brooklyn has the info...df, da, actve, non-active...they have your full name....last known address...last known kh you attended...names and current info on all family members who are active...

    That's how they found me after twenty years...cross referenced me with my father and his local kh....

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