Trying to plan a camping trip is exhausting!!

by AK - Jeff 4 Replies latest social physical

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    My eyes ache from looking at hundreds of websites and trying to find information.

    I am looking at several neighboring states. The problem I keep finding is that some of the sites tell you certain things, others don't. All I want is three 'peaceful' nights in an out of the way place of quiet. It is amazing just how hard that is to identify. Everyone wants you to come. No one wants to maintain good information.

    I will find it, eventually. Looking at Michigan now.


  • asilentone

    unplug your computer and I think you have some ideas already.

  • BurnTheShips
    Trying to plan a camping trip is exhausting!!

    Only if you travel with women. Otherwise, very little is needed. Best places to pitch a tent are off the beaten path anyway.


  • kurtbethel

    You are overthinking this. You put your gear in the rig and go. Be self contained so you can stop anywhere and camp. There is so much land in so many places. Occasionally you may happen upon a campground with amenities to enjoy, and that is nice, but don't have that as a primary plan.

    Kurt the Komplete Kamper

  • daniel-p

    You'll easily fall into the trap of bringing along too much crap (it rhymes!).

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