Is it really necessary to have all these splinter foreign language groups?

by gubberningbody 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    In countries with basically a homogenous-language speaking group? It strikes me as more devisive than uniting. More like "separate, but equal". I understand people like to learn things in their native language but as long as you do have people who speak and can teach in the language that you are ostensibly interested in reaching out to and as long as you have literature in their language...

    Is it really necessary or even helpful?

    I can see things both ways, but in my area we've got a tiny foreign language group which already speaks and reads english so what group of baffled non-english speaking people are being reached in this way?

    It strikes me as perhaps a fun thing, I mean I've always wanted to learn Kung Kalahari Bushman click-speak, but how does that relate to the mission?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Click klick suck sscuck cclick

    cvheersss Chris

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It doesn't do anything, except make them feel special.

    ...and that is common to all cults.



  • behemot

    In my experience foreign-language groups are often set up not because they are actually needed but, especially in stagnant and "fruitless" territories, just to give the impression to the otherwise bored members of the congregation that things are moving forward, there is some activity going on, initiatives taken, people getting busy in the work.

    That's a two-edged sword though: foreign-language groups attract the most active, enthusiastic and eager members looking for "spiritual" gratification (well, at times it attracts also some with less noble reasons to turn over a new leaf), which in time, when the new group gains independence, leaves the "mother" congregation in an even weaker state.


  • Pistoff

    I agree; you moved to this country, learn the damm language.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It also works 'where the need is great'.

    My family has taken 'the Truth' to many countries where it wasn't needed and are still pulling that stunt in countries that have no money to support their paper God.

    The only beneficiaries are those that learn to speak English and then piss off and get shunned so that they can make use of that advantage.

    I know many that have passed up on that advantage.

  • Waffles

    It's just another way for Witnesses to fill their lives up doing Jehovah's work. It provides them with the hobby of learning another language while at the same time making them into JW All Stars. For a devout, mentally infected Dub it's a win-win.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Its a great way to keep people enslaved a lil longer. Learning a new language is a challenge unto itself, couple that with a'righteous mission and you have people who otherwise may have lost interest in the 'truth' anchored a lil longer.

    I just got an email from a dub friend and his 1st line was been in spanish for 5 yrs now. Blackman and I were just talking about how here in the detroit area they have a japenese and chinese study group?!? Before I left the new rave was people learning sign language. Kinda sad when such drastic extreme's are needed to keep people's interest, or should I say to keep their minds ensnared.

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