Reading a letter of disassociation by a Mormon sounds a lot like the experiences of JW's

by gubberningbody 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    ...JW's who've been diligent, sincere and finally realizing that they've been misled from the beginning, by others who are as the scriptures say "misleading and being misled" 2 Ti. 3:13

  • brinjen

    Whenever I read an ex-jw's story, I can always easily find parallels with mine, and I can see them just as easily here too. Thanks for sharing. cookie eating

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    You could replace the work mormon with WT, Bethel with BYU, and it would make perfect sense.

  • gubberningbody

    When I read this account, I didn't read of someone who fit into the neat and disparaging mold that cult-identifiers want to lump everything into. I am very suspicious now of all emotion-based arguments po or con now.

    I rather suspect I'm back on the same road I was traveling before I took the JW exit some 25 years ago. I'm older... agnostic now having lost the cock-sure attitude that youth confers which allowed me to be an atheist back then...I have the sneaking suspicion that all I'll be able to do before I die is survey the territory that others have traveled to see why these various avenues have been chosen and why ultimately all have failed. to satisfy.

    I am quite disappointed when I find people embracing other flavors of the same nonsense, but I suppose I understand why some have chosen to go back to sleep.

  • purplesofa

    I am quite disappointed when I find people embracing other flavors of the same nonsense, but I suppose I understand why some have chosen to go back to sleep.

    We must take our jouneys in life, I was Catholic, then JW, I am done.

    I have not read all of this Mormons letter, but I will, just wanted to respond to what you said.


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