Saved or Sucked In? What are JW "bible studies" for?

by WuzLovesDubs 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    When you had a bible study with someone were you thinking:

    - Im helping this person move towards baptism and get into the Paradise like Jehovah asked of me

    - Im definitely going to get a part on the next Assembly talking about this study and be a hot commodity with the sisters!

    - Im really racking up the HOURS on this sucka! I could special pioneer on this one study alone!

    - I dont really believe any of the nonsense Im teaching this guy. This book is soooo lame.

  • jamiebowers

    Honestly, the information became secondary to the person's immediate emotional and sometimes physical needs. One lady I studied with was left by her husband, and she was soon evicted from her apartment, as he was sneaking the rent money to buy drugs. I rented a truck and found and paid for temporary housing and food until her family arrived from a different state. I had two other studies who were elderly people and just wanted company. There were others, single mothers and the like who just needed attention and economical help.

  • bluecanary

    I second what jamiebowers said. Which is why I think FS wasn't a complete waste of time. Only an almost complete waste of time. But it did have the benefit of providing comfort for a few who needed it such as elderly ones.

    I did have the primary attitude of helping someone, but I confess I always wanted to be looked on favorably by others in the congregation. Not that it helped me much.

  • WTWizard

    I never saw why I should do Jehovah any favors when He never did me any; hence I dogged my calls and avoided having to study the littera-trash.

  • Heaven

    I never conducted bible book studies but when I attended the Sunday afternoon study (yes, that was eons ago I know) I always came away with 'I don't agree with their interpretation'. My brain was never in agreement with what the books said.

    Of course, the afterwards 'socializing' was rather excrutiating for me as they were an older couple who conducted our study and they only wanted to talk about their bowel movements. ( ) Not exactly the subject matter a teen wants to be discussing. Sheesh! Way to engage the younger crowd... NOT!

    I guess those studies 'saved' me -- just not the way the JWs wanted me saved!


    Reading this thread reminds me of the good JW`s.......Still ......When has a Jehovah`s Witness ever had a Bible Study?..I mean Ever?!..

    JW`s study WBT$ Literature about the Bible..There is no Bible Study..


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