What?!? NO-ONE's speculating on the WTBTS getting any of Michael's $$??

by ziddina 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ziddina

    Whaaaat? NO - ONE is speculating on Michael Jackson's mom donating, say, 30 million bucks to the WTBTS if she gets her grubby little hands on all that money as the kids' guardian??? I pity those poor kids - they're doomed to be beaten - er, 'raised in the truth' - by GrandMumsy Dearest...

    Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall at a Governing Body meeting about Michael Jackson's money?? money

    Bet Mrs. Jackson has NEVER been so popular at Bethel headquarters as she is right now... Here's a possible 'fly-in-the-ointment', however:


    At least SOMEONE is paying attention to the possible financial shenanigans and abuses if Michael's vast fortune is handed over to a mind-controlled, manipulative, two-faced hypocrite.

    Anyone want to place bets as to the final outcome of this situation?? I would guess that Mrs. Jackson will play the poor, bereaved mother card and end up with almost total control, in the end.


  • blondie

    In the court hearing today it was said that 40% went to the children, 40% under Katherine's control, and 20% to other beneficiaries. But 2 others were made administrators Branca and McClain.


    The executors -- John Branca, Jackson's longtime personal attorney, and John McClain, a music industry executive and longtime friend -- had sought immediate control of the entertainer's assets at a hearing before Judge Mitchell Beckloff.
    The judge appointed the men special administrators until another hearing August 3. He said they will be responsible for protecting the estate from immediate losses.
  • ziddina

    Hi, Blondie! Thanks for the update! Do you suppose that will be the final ruling, however?? I suspect yet more legal maneuvering and attempts to gain further control - from all parties - yet to come. I'm eagerly waiting in the 'peanut' gallery with my box of Cracker Jacks!


  • babygirl75

    I guess you can't control what Katherine does with her share (40%). I don't see her (or Joseph allowing her) to give up that money...but who knows!

    I had heard the 20% that was left was to go to various children's charities.

    Thankfully the judge did not allow Katherine to control the whole estate. Michael specifically listed who he wanted, and glad the judge stuck with his wishes.

  • ziddina

    Yeah, I think you're right, Babygirl - I especially HOPE you're right about Joe Jackson not allowing any large donations to the WTBTS - would hate to see someone bail them out financially, though that might happen anyway.

    The financial straits the WTBTS is in is [in my opinion] ironic justice for all the decades of financially-crippling edicts they've handed down to their followers - I, too, missed out on a college education thanks to the WTBTS' short-sighted, idiotic, anti-college attitudes. The Mormons, on the other hand, with their emphasis on higher education, have more assets per follower than the JWs do...

    WTBTS... Those old men - what a buncha maroons!! Zid

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