Bad Habit's

by Latte 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latte

    Well, I’ve just returned from taking the kid’s to one of those kiddies indoor play areas. As I find them quite boring myself, I thought that I would take the opportunity to write my few remaining Xmas cards, when low and behold! There sat a Dub. Bible wide open, W/T open……studying away she was. It brought back memories of the many times that I would study. I used to regularly take books to read whilst journeying to work; mags. for reading during breaktime or during quiet moments at work.

    I particularly remember reading the ‘Choosing the Best Way of Life’ book, this book made me stay in the ‘trooth’ at a time that would have been perfect to of left. It has a lot to answer for!

    Oh well, at least I wasn’t as bad a one guy I knew, he actually brought his W/T with him to social gatherings………..and studied during the evening….always trying to get the conversations on ‘this good point in the W/T’. I wonder if he’s changed!

    Did you have any ‘bad study habits’ whilst you were in?


  • Xena

    hhhmmm my study habits consisted of frantically underlining as I raced in the car on the way to the meeting....

    I went to a couple of those Saturday night WT study get-togethers...anyone else do these...BORING!!!!! lol managed to come up with excuses why I couldn't attend after the first couple...

    Sorry I was a bad JW!

  • Latte


    I know another brother who's wife told me that he used to 'study' his W/T (no doubt rather hastily) whilst sat on the loo.
    No wonder his answers were crap! (sorry couldn't resist it tee hee)

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